Crisis and Hope: YU Voices
Bringing today's topics to life through in-depth interviews with leading experts in Jewish Studies and beyond from Yeshiva University.
YU Voices - An Evening with Jai Chakrabarti
Author of A Play for the End of the World 2021 National Jewish Book Award Winner
MONDAY, November 7, 2022 I 8 P.M.
YU Voices - Ukraine
Psychologists and Social Workers
Reflect on the Ukraine Crisis
MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2022 I 8 P.M.
A joint project of Judaic Studies @ YU, The Center for Israel Studies, The Rabbi Arthur Schneier Program for International Affairs and the Bernard Revel Graduate school of Jewish Studies.
Upcoming Events
New events coming soon!
Past Events and Recordings
YU Voices Past Events
An Evening with Roya Hakakian:
Immigration, Human Rights and Culture in a Globalized World.
Wednesday, March 23: 7 pm Light Persian Buffet followed by Talk at 7:30 pm.
245 Lexingting Avenue, Koch Auditorium or
Livestream at yu.edu/yuvoices
Resistance and Memory: Jewish Activism during Argentina's "Dirty War"
Dr. Natasha Zaretsky
With Ronnie Perelis
Wednesday, May 4, 10:30 a.m. EST
Transnational Identities: Navigating the Contemporary Moment
Dr. Mijal Bitton
Shalom Hartman Institute of North America
with Ronnie Perelis
Thursday, April 29, 2021 10:30 A.M. EST | VIA ZOOM
Antisemitism, White Nationalism and Racism in America Today
Eric Ward
with Jess Olson
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 7 P.M. EST | VIA ZOOM
Kugel and Frijoles: A Conversation with the Author
Prof. Laura Limonic
with Prof. Ronnie Perelis
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 10:30 A.M. EST | VIA ZOOM
Cities, Suburbs and Race
Dr. Hannah Lebovits
University of Texas-Alrlington
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 7 P.M. EST | VIA ZOOM
A Synagogue of Mexico City's Historic District: A Virtual Tour
Mónica Unikel-Fasja
Sinagoga Justo Sierra
Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:30 A.M. EST | VIA ZOOM
Seeing Matzah: From the Talmud to Medieval Haggadot
With Dr. Steven Fine and Dr. Ronnie Perelis
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 3 P.M. EST | VIA ZOOM
Ambassador Dan Shapiro and Rabbi Yosef Blau in Conversation
The 2021 Joseph and Faye Glatt Program
Ambassador. Dan Shapiro
Rabbi Yosef Blau
March 17, 2021 12 P.M. EST | VIA ZOOM
Disporas and Borderlands
A Virtual Tour of Alejandro Meter's Photography
Alejandro Meter (University of San Diego) a conversation with Ronnie Perelis (Yeshiva University)
Thursday, March 4 | 7 p.m. EST
"La Santa Ester"
Esther Among the Crypto-Jews of the Americas
Emily Colbert Cairns (Salve Regina University) a conversation with Ronnie Perelis (Yeshiva University)
Tuesday, February 23 | 10:30 a.m. EST
As part of the series "Crisis and Hope: YU Voices" the Yeshiva College Schottenstein Honors Program Presents
Dr. Joanne Jacobson
Yeshiva University Professor Of Emerita of English, former Yeshiva College Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Professor Jacobson was joined by the YC English Department's Senior Lecturer in Writing, Professor Barbara Blatner, for a reading from her new memoir, Every Last Breath followed by a moderated discussion and Q & A.
Wednesday, February 17 | 12 p.m. EST
Complicating Legacies: Studying Slavery, Equity, and Inclusion on a Southern Quaker Campus
Krishauna Hines-Gaither and Gwen Erickson (Guilford College) a conversation with Jess Olson (Yeshiva University)
Tuesday, February 16 | 7 p.m. EST
The Entanglement of Jews, Slaves, and Free People of Color in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Stanley Mirvis, Arizona Stage University and Jess Olson, Yeshiva University
Tuesday, February 2 | 7 p.m. EST
Antisemitic and anti-Black Violence: Ukraine and Oklahoma, 1921
Elissa Bemporad (CUNY) and Scott Ellsworth (University of Michigan)
Monday, January 11 | Noon EST
Who Were the Maccabees Really?
Hanukkah, the Hasmoneans and Jewish Memory
Professor Joseph Angel and Professor Steven Fine
Tuesday, December 15 |11 a.m. EST
Repairing the Rift: A Secular Israeli's Path to the Orthodox World
Bella Raboy and Nurit Sirkis-Bank
Interviewed by Professor Joshua Karlip
Thursday, December 3 | 3 p.m. EST
Appreciating the Bavli in the Context of Christian Sources and Classical Rhetoric: A Public Dialogue
Richard Hidary, Yeshiva University
Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Ben Gurion University
Tuesday, November 17 | Noon EST
Past, Present, Policy: Why Context is Crucial for Democracy
Professor Douglas R. Burgess, Professor Joseph E. Luders and Ms. Meirah C. Shedlo
Wednesday, October 28, 5:30 p.m. EDT
Civility, Citizenship and Torah
Professor Suzanne Last Stone and Professor Shalom Carmy
Tuesday, October 20, 6 p.m.EDT
Sephardic Melodies for the High Holy Days: Selichot
Rabbi Moshe Tessone with Professor Ronnie Perelis
Tuesday, September 22, 6 p.m.EDT
The Personal Journey of an African-American Man: From Sharecropping to the Halls of Academia
Larry L. Martin, Jr. PhD with Professor Joshua Karlip
Thursday, August 13, 1 p.m.EDT
The Lessons of the Holocaust for Our Times
Dr. Shay Pilnik with Dr. Ronnie Perelis
Shay Pilnik has recently joined YU as founding director of the Emil A. and Jenny Fish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Yeshiva University.
A special program for Tisha be-Av
Thursday, July 30 2020
How Will We Remember Covid? A View from the Archives
Shulamith Berger with Prof. Steven Fine
Thursday, July 9, 2020
A special program for 17 be-Tammuz
From Africa 70 to Zion80
Race and Culture in Contemporary Jewish Music
Thursday, June 25th 2020
Lessons from Selma 1965, for American Jews 2020
Rabbi Saul Berman with Professor Ronnie Perelis
Thursday, June 11, 2020 | 1 p.m. EDT
Sponsored by the Rabbi Arthur Schneier Program for International Affairs and the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies