Yael's Story

Yael Eisenberg


Hi. My name is Yael Eisenberg and I’m a Mathematics Major from Passaic, NJ.

I choose to attend Yeshiva University because I wanted to be in an environment where I could explore different facets of myself and be a part of a diverse community of people who share many of my values.

There are so many ways to be involved in campus life at Stern College for Women. I have participated in SHEM (holocaust education), SCDS (Stern College Dramatics Society), I am a resident advisor, am President of the No Limits club (supporting women in STEM), and even learned how to Fence competitively!

I am particularly proud of the work we do in No Limits. By both building a community of Math majors at Stern, as well as creating a platform to discuss career opportunities in the sciences, we go a long way toward advancing our roles in these positions.

Though I’m involved in many extracurricular activities, my main focus is Mathematics. In 2017 I received a Kressel fellowship to compare brain activity at Bar Ilan University. This past summer, under the supervision of Dr. Marian Gidea, I spent 7 weeks using a magnetoencephalography (MEG) machine to assess how different areas of the brain are stimulated when a arithmetic problem is presented in different formats. The research is ongoing this year, and I continue to collect data remotely and use a mathematical analysis to review the results.

After college, I plan to pursue a PhD in Mathematics as well. I am pleased to be able to apply to doctoral programs with so much preparation. Thanks to YU’s joint BA/MA program, I will graduate with a master’s degree in Mathematics as well as a bachelor’s.  The higher level courses I have been able to take, as well as the research opportunities, have given me an extraordinary foundation for my career pursuits.