Aryeh's Story


Hey there. I’m Aryeh Rubin and when I graduate, I plan to be a writer on Saturday Night Live and have my own comedy/fantasy football PodCast called, “Big Boys on a Cold Night.” That is, when I’m not playing professional volleyball.

All kidding aside, I’m a junior at YU, originally from Skokie, IL. Majoring in finance, I hope to work at a hedge fund with a focus on value investing and, yes, I like to joke around a bit.

I chose YU because I knew it would give me the best balance between a competitive business school atmosphere, Torah learning and outstanding extracurricular activities. The beauty of YU is that it gives everyone an opportunity to play a role they wouldn’t necessarily be able to play at a large secular university. Take my playing on the volleyball team. As captain I’m able to play a sport I enjoy and flex my leadership and communication skills. I might not have had that opportunity somewhere else.

Learning at YU was also a big draw. I’m in the Mazer Yeshiva Program (MYP), the program with the longest daily time commitment. The Rabbeim, such as Rav Sarfaty, are incredible. His door is always open and he’s honest with me. At the end of the day, college life offers so many activities and distractions, but through this program, I’m confident I’m still keeping religion my highest priority.

Last summer I interned at a financial services company in Natanya, Israel where I worked to secure capital for a clean technology company as well as review mutual funds for clients. In my gap year learning in Israel, I created a text subscription business that was so successful that the Israeli phone company shut down my “unlimited” texting plan. Now I run an ecommerce arbitrage business. Business and finance are my talents, but I also love shtick. My friends say I’m the smartest/dumbest person they know.