Bella's Story
As much as I thought I chose to attend YU, really Yeshiva University chose me. I’m proud to be a third generation YU student, and being a student of the Legacy Heritage Jewish Educators Project through Stern College for Women has been the opportunity of a lifetime.
I knew I wanted a Jewish university that allowed me to explore Jewish education and community work as a career path. The Legacy Heritage Project is a three-year undergraduate program which offers a major in Jewish Studies and a concentration in Jewish Education. It includes annual tuition support through The Mordecai D. and Monique C. Katz Scholarship for Jewish Educators, one-on-one mentoring, professional development, intensive Hebrew language instruction, and fieldwork.
Being the head Shabbat Programmer on YU’s Beren campus in New York City, I have been exposed to the most incredible example of Jewish community building. Outside of coursework and religious study, Shabbat provides the opportunity to take a step back and form deeper relationships with students who you might otherwise quickly pass by on a week day.
Some of my favorite courses at YU have included: Art history, Midrash and Rabbinic Thought, Women in Bible and Rabbinic Literature, The Arts in Education, Literature of Pedagogy, and the Jewish Education Seminar. But it’s not just the subject matter. I love that the discussion-oriented classes promote an intellectual curiosity that has taught me to both question and fight for what I believe in. The professors at YU are passionate about what they teach, and their love of their respective subject matter is contagious.
YU is the kind of campus where students can be involved in as many clubs as they want, creating infinite amounts of programming and religious experiences. I wanted to be that student, and I am eternally grateful to YU for giving me the opportunity to become that student.