Professor Emeritus, David W. Petegorsky Chair in Political Science; Professor of Political Science; Co-Chair, Department of Political Science
Wilf campus - Belfer Hall
Professor Ruth Bevan holds the title of Professor Emeritus. Professor Bevan during her tenure held the David W. Petegorsky Chair of Political Science. Specializing in European politics and modern political theory, she teaches courses focusing on the European Union and Western political theory, including Israeli political thought.
Professor Bevan’s research concerns the prospects for and dimensions of a Euro-American partnership and the role of this Transatlantic alliance in a multipolar global world.
Professor Bevan has received a German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship, Fulbright Faculty Fellowship, IREX (State Department) Short Term Grant, an Earhart Fellowship, and a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship. She has been a fellow of the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies at Brandeis University and an Oxford University Round Table Participant.
Professor Bevan’s publications have emphasized the political impact of political ideas like human rights, globalism, postmoderns in the Western democracies, with emphasis on Europe, on the relations between the United States and Europe and on the role of Europe, with the United States, in the emerging global order.
Wilf campus - Belfer Hall