Wagner Laghezza
Capstone Coordinator | Clinical Assistant Professor
Alexandra Laghezza, PhD. OTR/L brings experience working with the older adult population as an occupational therapist and her background in disability studies to Yeshiva University's Occupational Therapy Doctorate program. Dr. Laghezza has research experience related to older adults with dementia and aging in place. She continues to practice as an occupational therapist in skilled nursing facilities and home health care.
Aging, dementia, aging in place, qualitative research methods, occupational justice, disability studies
Wagner, A. (2021). Aging in place with age-related cognitive changes: The impact of caregiving support and finances. Societies, 11(2), 31. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc11020031
Laghezza, A. & Evangelista, M. (2023). Changing perspectives: Addressing occupational needs of dementia in a safety-first world. American Occupational Therapy Association Aging My Way Specialty Conference
Laghezza, A. (2019). Facing misinterpretations in aging with dementia. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Conference