Associate Professor of Sephardic and Iranian Studies
Wilf campus - Furst Hall
History of the Jews in Islamic lands; Modern Iran; Shi'i Islam; Iran's religious minorities; Iran's Jewry
Between Foreigners and Shi‘is: Nineteenth-Century Iran and its Jewish Minority (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007). ) “The Legal Status of Religious Minorities: Imami Shi‘i Law and Iran’s Constitutional Revolution,” Islamic Law and Society 10, 3 (2003), 376-408. “Nineteenth Century Shi‘i Anti-Christian Polemics and the Jewish Aramaic Nevuat ha-Yeled [The Prophecy of the Child],” Iranian Studies 37 (2004), 5-15. “Religious Disputations of Imami Shi‘is against Judaism in the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” Studia Iranica, 34 (2005), 95-134. “Judeo-Persian Communities of Iran: V: Qajar period: Communities,” Encyclopedia Iranica, XV (2009), 108-117. “Jews in the Pre-Constitutional Years: The Shiraz Incident of 1905,” Iranian Studies, 43 (2010), 239-263. “Jews of Iran and Rabbinical Literature: Preliminary Notes,” AJS Perspectives, Fall 2010, 14-16. “Identity among the Jews of Iran,” in: Amanat, A and Vejdani, F (Eds.), Iran Facing Others: Identity Boundaries in a Historical Perspective (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 219-242.
Wilf campus - Furst Hall