Maggid Shiur, Mazer Yeshiva Program; Chair of Jewish Studies, Sy Syms School of Business; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Yeshiva College
Glueck Center for Jewish Study
515 West 185th Street
New York, NY 10033
Rabbi Itamar Rosensweig is a maggid shiur (professor of Jewish law and jurisprudence) at Yeshiva University, a dayan (rabbinic judge) and chaver beit din at the Beth Din of America, and the rav of the Shtiebel of Lower Merion. He holds a secondary appointment as an assistant professor of philosophy at Yeshiva College and serves as the chair of Jewish studies at the Sy Syms School of Business. He received his semikha, Yoreh Yoreh and Yadin Yadin, from RIETS, where he was a fellow of the Wexner Kollel Elyon and editor-in-chief of the Beit Yitzchak Journal of Talmudic and Halakhic Studies.
He received his BA, with honors, in physics and philosophy from Yeshiva University and an MA and PhD in medieval Jewish history from YU’s Bernard Revel Graduate School. He also holds an MA in Philosophy from Columbia University and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania.
Rabbi Rosensweig studied Talmud with Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein at Yeshivat Har Etzion and the history of halakha with Prof. Haym Soloveitchik at Yeshiva University. He studied for many years with his father, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, and for a decade attended his shiur at Yeshiva University. Previously, he taught an advanced Talmud shiur at Columbia University’s Kraft Center and served as the resident scholar at Congregation Ahavath Torah in Englewood, New Jersey.
Jewish Law and Modern Political Economy, Oxford Handbook of Jewish Law (2024)
מצות גירושין, בית יצחק (תשפ"ד)
The Case of Unpaid Yeshiva Tuition, Jewishprudence (May 2024)
שיטת הרשב"א בענין מנהג הקהל ודינא דמלכותא בירושה, קול צבי (תשפ"ד)
Israel at War 5784: Three Fronts, Doresh Tzion (2024)
בענין פשיעה דניזק, בית יצחק (תשפ"ד)
בענין הלל בליל הסדר, קול צבי (תשפ"ד)
Poverty, Affluence & Property: Tzedakah as Distributive Justice, Yeshiva University Torah Series (2023)
Minhag Ha-Sochrim: Jewish Law's Incorporation of Mercantile Custom and Marketplace Norms, Journal of the Beth Din of America (2023)
The Beit Din as a Basic Institution of Jewish Life, Jewishprudence (July 2023)
Contributory Negligence and Comparative Negligence in Jewish Tort Theory, Journal of the Beth Din of America (2023)
Rights and Duties in Jewish Law, Touro Law Review (2022)
יסוד איסור תחומין ומעמדו כמלאכה, קול צבי (תשפ"ב)
The Biblical Verse as a Source of Halakhah in Ramban's Normative Jurisprudence, Megadim Journal of Biblical Studies (2022)
Detrimental Reliance and Promissory Estoppel in Jewish Law, Jewishprudence (January 2022)
Ha-'Arev Na: The Multigenerational Quest for Torah, Yeshiva University Torah Series (2022)
מעמד השושבינים ובני החופה, בית יצחק (תשפ"א)
Loss Splitting in Jewish Law: A Covid-19 Example, Jewishprudence (October 2021)
Depriving a Worker of Employment Opportunities, Jewishprudence (October 2020)
Pesharah vs. Din, Jewishprudence (April 2020)
בענין שעיר המשתלח ומעמדו כקרבן, קול צבי (תשע"ח)
מצות מילה וברכת להכניסו, בית יצחק (תשע"ז)
בענין אשה הוגנת לו, בית יצחק (תשע"ו)
מצות תפילין וקדושתן, בית יצחק (תשע"ה)
ברכת שהחיינו בקידושין ונישואין, בית יצחק (תשע"ד)
מכירת ספר תורה לפריה ורביה ולערב אל תנח ידיך, בית יצחק (תשע"ג)
מעילה בדם, בית יצחק (תשע"א)
Glueck Center for Jewish Study
515 West 185th Street
New York, NY 10033