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Fall 2018
Chaburah Seminar
JUD 1700
Explanation of Prayer
JUD 1910
Independent Study
JTH 4901
Night Seder Chabura
JUD 1705
Psych, Relationships, Halakhah
JUD 2440
Spring 2018
Chaburah Seminar II
JUD 1701
Explanation of Prayer
JUD 1911
Independent Study
JUD 4901
Independent Study
TAL 4901
Mussar and Psychology
JTH 1210
Fall 2017
Chaburah Seminar
JUD 1700
Explanation of Prayer
JUD 1910
Independent Study
JTH 4901
Psych, Relationships, Halakhah
JUD 2440
Spring 2017
Beit Midrash - Ind. Study
JUD 4911
Chaburah Seminar II
JUD 1701
Explanation of Prayer
JUD 1911
Independent Study
JTH 4901
Independent Study
JUD 4901
Tanakh and Mussar
JTH 1208