Adjunct Professor of Accounting
Professor Rothenstein retired from Ernst &Young’s Professional Practice Group in 2015. In her last years at EY she also taught various accounting classes at Baruch College.
At EY, she directed the publication function and the firm’s accounting and auditing research systems. As part of the Professional Practice Group, Ms. Rothenstein also consulted on various accounting issues and has authored Ernst & Young’s technical accounting guidance on these topics.
Ms. Rothenstein received an MBA from Columbia Graduate School of Business and, prior to joining E&Y spent over 15y ears in the accounting policy group at the then Chase Manhattan Bank and Bankers Trust. She has been a CPA in New York State since 1981, starting her career at the auditing firm of Deloitte, Haskins and Sells.
She also has a BA from Smith College and an MA from the University of Wisconsin in Hispanic studies.