Associate Professor
Marketing Department
Syms School of Business
Yeshiva University
215 Lexington Avenue, Suite 411
New York, NY, 10016
Professor Lasaleta's business and research expertise focuses on how nostalgia affects consumer attitudes, behaviors, and choices across varying contexts (e.g., politics, health). She also examines the motivation for money, product choice, and hedonic consumption. Her research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and Food and Quality Preference, and has been featured in multiple media outlets such as BBC, CNN, Fortune, Huffington Post, NBC's Today Show, Harper's Bazaar, Fast Company, the Los Angeles Times, and Forbes.
Prior to joining Yeshiva University, Professor Lasaleta had been a radio station hip-hop music director, music writer, and competitive powerlifter.
Lasaleta, Jannine D., Constantine Sedikides, and Tim Wildschut (2024), “Nostalgia Increases Punitiveness by Intensifying Moral Concern,” Nature, Scientific Reports, 4, 11425.
Lasaleta, Jannine D., Carolina O.C. Werle, and Amanda Pruski-Yamim (2021), “Nostalgia Increases Healthy Attitudes and Behaviors,” Appetite, 162 (July), 105187.
Lasaleta, Jannine D., and Katherine Loveland (2019), “What’s New is Old Again: Nostalgia and Retro-Styling in Response to Authenticity Threats,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4 (April), 172-84.
Harding, Dustin, Diogo Hildebrand, Tom Kramer, and Jannine D. Lasaleta (2019), “The Impact of Acquisition Mode on Expected Speed of Product Mastery and Subsequent Consumer Behavior,” Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (June), 140-58.
Lasaleta, Jannine D. and Joseph P. Redden (2018), “When Promoting Similarity Slows Satiation: The Relationship of Variety, Categorization, Similarity, and Satiation,” Journal of Marketing Research (June), 446-57.
Werle, Carolina O.C., Mia M. Birau, Jannine D. Lasaleta (2017), “Watching Easy Sports Makes Me Eat More,” Food Quality & Preference 60, (September), 132-37.
Lasaleta, Jannine D., Constantine Sedikides, and Kathleen D. Vohs (2014), “Nostalgia Weakens the Desire for Money,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (October), 713-29. Select media coverage: BBC News, Time Magazine, Harvard Business Review, Science Daily, CNBC, Fortune, Fast Company.
Vohs, Kathleen D., Jannine D. Lasaleta, and Bob Fennis (2009), “Self-Regulation in the Interpersonal Sphere,” in J. Forgas, R. Baumeister, and D. Tice (eds.), Cognitive, Affective, and Motivational Processes, Psychology Press, USA, 289-302.
Vohs, Kathleen D., and Jannine D. Lasaleta (2008), “Heterosexual Sexual Behavior, Social Exchange, and Basic Economic Principles: Sexual Economics Theory,” Minnesota Journal of Law, Science, and Technology, 9, 757-74.
Heine, Steven J., Tim Takemoto, Sophia Moskalenko, Jannine D. Lasaleta, and Joseph Henrich (2008), “Mirrors in the Head: Cultural Variation in Objective Self-Awareness,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 (July), 879-87.
Marketing Department
Syms School of Business
Yeshiva University
215 Lexington Avenue, Suite 411
New York, NY, 10016