Associate Professor and Chair of Psychology
Beren campus - 215 Lexington Ave
Dr. Terry DiLorenzo received her BA from Rutgers University and her PhD in health psychology from Ferkauf Graduate School, Yeshiva University. She completed a research postdoctoral fellowship in the psychiatry department of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Her primary research interests include the associations between attitudes and health beliefs and behaviors, as well as quality of life in individuals with chronic disease, including multiple sclerosis and cancer. Dr. DiLorenzo also conducts research on expectations and irrational beliefs and test anxiety in undergraduate students and educational methods to train behavioral scientists in the responsible conduct of research. Her most recent publications include "Quality of life in MS: Does aging enhance perceptions of mental health?," co-authored with J. Halper and MA Piccone (Disability and Rehabilitation, 2009), and "Qualitative analysis of acute skin toxicity among breast cancer radiotherapy patients," co-authored with JB Schnur, SC Ouellette, SA Green, and GH Montgomery, GH (Psychooncology, in press). Dr. DiLorenzo teaches a variety of psychology courses including social psychology, abnormal psychology, psychology research seminar, public health, and human sexuality.
Beren campus - 215 Lexington Ave