Wurzweiler School of Social Work/Yeshiva University
2495 Amsterdam Ave
Suite 904
NY, NY 10033
Jill Becker Feigeles PhD, LCSW-R is a Clinical Associate and Sequence Chair for generalist Practice I and II at the Wurzweiler School of Social Work. In addition to her expertise in teaching, Dr. Becker Feigeles has several research interests including the benefits of intergenerational relationships to older adults, experiences of aging with chronic illness, and professional social work education including work on the WSSW grants for training social worker’s in working with vulnerable adolescents. She has published or presented in all these areas. In addition, she has been a lead in developing content for a virtual community incorporated into MSW education. Prior to joining the faculty Dr. Becker Feigeles was the director of a large senior center in New York City. Enthusiastically dedicated to her students and to the art and science of teaching, nothing thrills Dr. Becker Feigeles more than a classroom of new students.
Dr. Becker Feigeles' more recent interests include adapting virtual reality platforms into social work education and the art and science of effective teaching.
Becker-Feigeles, J. (2018) Developing an SBIRT Curriculum in Advanced Practice, Chapter 18,
In MacMillan, T., & Sisselman, A. (2018). New Directions in Treatment, Education, and
Outreach for Mental Health and Addiction. Springer International
DiLorenzo, TA, Becker-Fiegeles, J., Halper, J, & Piccone, MA. (2008) A qualitative
investigation of factors related to adaptation in older individuals with multiple sclerosis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 30(15), 1088-1097.
Becker Feigeles, J., (2004). Meeting the work and leisure needs of older persons. Invited to
participate in publication of the Proceedings for the Conference: Meeting the Challenges
of Older Persons: Combining Practice and Policy, National and International
Perspectives on Aging, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University, February
2, 2003
Becker Feigeles, J. & Levy, L. (2019, June) Workshop Presentation: Creating an Online
Community, IASWG (International Association for the Advancement of Social Work with
Groups) New York, NY
Becker Feigeles, J. & Levy, L. (2019, June) Workshop Presentation: Creating an Online
Community, NASW-New York Conference.
Cuellar, M., Elswick, S.E, Theriot, M., & Becker-Feigeles, J. (2017, Oct 21). School police and
school social workers: Implications for healthy development of youth. Paper
presented at Annual Program Meeting Council on Social Work Education: Educating
for the Social Work Grand Challenges, Dallas, Texas.
Becker Feigeles, J. & Beder, J. (2016, April 12). Trauma, Healing and Recovery:
Overview, Assessment, and Intervention. Presented at the Hospital for Sick Children,
Toronto, Canada
DiLorenzo, T, Becker-Fiegeles, J., & Gibelman, M. (2010, August 14). Educating for
the Responsible Conduct of Research in Behavioral Health. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Becker Feigeles, J. (2007, May 8). Reciprocity in Intergenerational Exchange: The
Impact on Senior. Workshop presentation at 50th Anniversary Conference of
Wurzweiler School of Social Work: A Conference for the Profession Celebrating
a Tradition of Caring: Social Work Practice Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
New York, N.Y.
DiLorenzo, T. A., & Becker Feigeles, J, (2006, December 2). An Examination
of Educational Practices and Monitoring for the Responsible Conduct of
Research in Behavioral Science Education Programs. Workshop presentation
at the ORI Research Integrity Conference, Orlando Florida.
DiLorenzo, T. A., Becker Feigeles, J., Halper, J. & Piccone, M.A. A qualitative
investigation of factors related to adjustment in older individuals with Multiple
Sclerosis. Paper presented at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Annual
Meeting, June, 2005, Orlando, FL.
DiLorenzo, T. A., Becker Feigeles, J, Halper, J. Piccone, M.A. An exploration of factors
related to Healthy Aging with MS. Poster presented at the Consortium of Multiple
Sclerosis Centers Annual Meeting, June 2003, San Diego, CA
Becker Feigeles, J. (2003, February 2). Meeting the work and leisure needs of older
persons. Workshop presentation at Meeting the Challenges of Older Persons:
Combining Practice and Policy, National and International Perspectives on
Ageing Conference, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, New York, N.Y.
Becker, Feigeles, J. (1997, October 24). Advocacy in a Tier II homeless shelter for
women: A parallel process. Paper presented at the XIX Annual Symposium for
the Advancement on Social Work with Groups, Quebec, Canada.
Wurzweiler School of Social Work/Yeshiva University
2495 Amsterdam Ave
Suite 904
NY, NY 10033