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Research and Publications

Research and writing is at the heart of what we do at Wurzweiler. Our faculty are scholars and practitioners who combine significant academic achievements with dedication to teaching and commitment to the professional community. Their ongoing research and publications not only focus on the latest issues and trends in social work but also demonstrate their dedication to the school’s mission: to prepared skilled social workers for practice in both the general and Jewish communities.


Select Faculty Research and Presentations 

For additional faculty publications, visit the faculty pages.


Nancy L. Beckerman

Beckerman, N.L. & Wozniak, D.F. (2018) Domestic violence counselors and secondary traumatic stress (STS): A brief qualitative report and strategies for support. Social Work in Mental Health. 16(4), 470-490

Beckerman, Nancy L. LGBT teens and bullying: what every social worker should know. Mental Health in Family Medicine. 13(1), 486-494.


Joan Beder

Beder, Joan (2020). “Telemental Health - Challenges and Rewards," New York Presbyterian Hospital [presentation] 

Beder, Joan (2020). “Coping with Loss During the Pandemic,” Brooklyn VA Medical Center. [presentation] 


Laurie Blackman

Blackman, L., Wang, D., Krase, K., Hill, A., Cambridge, M. (2023) Examining the early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Black/African American adults. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, L (3), 99-115. 

Blackman, L., Wang, D., Krase, K., Roberson-Steele, J., Clarke-Jones, A., & Attis, L. (2023). Adaptability of older adults at the onset of COVID-19. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 1-15.

Castillo, J., Lundahl, B., Moleni, K., & Blackman, L. (2022). Op-Ed: Failing to bend the arc of the moral universe? Dr. King, Newton, Piaget, and social work. Critical Social Work, 23(1).


Timothy B. Conley

Conley, T., Matz, A., Johanneson, N. (2018). What do supervision officers do? Adult probation/parole officer workloads in a rural western state. Journal of Crime and Justice. 41(3) 

Conley, T., Murphy, R., Warner, C. (2017). An examination of short-term cognitive change among male inmates participating in Steps to Economic and Personal Success (STEPS). Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. 


Dr. Hanni Flaherty

Flaherty, H.B. (2022). Teaching note—Using technology to enhance experiential learning through simulated role plays, Journal of Social Work Education. 

Flaherty, H. B. Bornheimer, L. A., Hamovitch, E., Garay, E., Mini, M., Acri, M., & McKay, M. (In Press). Examining Organizational Factors Supporting the Adoption and Use of Evidence-Based Interventions. Community Mental Health Journal.     

Flaherty, H. B. (2020). Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice: A Discussion about How to Integrate Evidence-Based Interventions in Clinical Practice Through Education. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning,17 (2), 25-41. 


Lisa Henshaw

Beckerman, N.L. & Henshaw, L.A. (2020). In the aftermath of a shooting trauma: Application of family informed trauma treatment. Journal of Anxiety and Depression, 3(1), 119 -134.   

Henshaw, L.A. (2019).  Group Work for Trauma-Informed Social Work Education: Responding to Students’ Indirect Trauma. Oral presentation at the Annual Program Meeting for the Council on Social Work Education. Denver, CO. [presentation] 

Henshaw, L.A.  & Beckerman, N. (2019). Fostering Resiliency from a Family-Centered Approach: A Case Application of Family Informed Trauma Treatment. Poster presentation at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Boston, MA. [presentation] 


Herschel Knapp

Knapp, H., Williams, M., Kelly, L. (2022). Emergency department utilization by navigated oncology patients compared with non-navigated oncology patients. Journal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship. 13(2)

Knapp, H., Bray, R. (2021). Identifying predictors of airway complications during conscious sedation.  Gastroenterology Nursing.  44(5), 310 – 319.

Knapp, H., Miller, C. R., Patmon, F. L. (2021).  Music to reduce stress in hospitalized patients. Nursing. 51(8), 62-66.


Shannon Lane

Lane. S.R., & Conley, D.L., (2023) Factors influencing policymaker decision making in the behavioral health-related legislative process: A scoping review. Social Work in Mental Health.

Lane, S.R., McClendon, J., Vanidestine, T., Bogenschutz, M., Flowers, T.D., Wilson, L., (2023). “Challenge and hold one another accountable:” Social work faculty respond to incivility. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance.

Lane, S.R., Krase, K., Fishman, A.C., Fuentas, F. & Wang, D. (2022). Influence of political ideology on coping and personal protection practices during the early days of the COVID‑19 pandemic. Journal of Policy Practice and Research. 


Soohyoung Rain Lee

Lee, S.R & Kim, L.S (2022). Co-residence of older parents and adult children benefits older adults’ psychological well-being: path analysis. International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Lee, S.R. (2021). When home hospice patients discharge to nursing facility: A mixed methods. Open Journal of Nursing.

Lee, S.R & Cuellar, M.J (2019). Data-Driven recommendations for promoting collaboration among school security personnel and school social workers in the United States. International Journal of School Social Work.


Susan E. Mason, PhD., MSSW

Mason, S.E. & Zeitlin, W. (Expected Publication Date, 2021). Handbook of Writing Strategies for Social Work. Taylor Francis.  

Cuellar, M.J., Lee, S.R., Auerbach, C, & Mason, S. (In Press). Assessing Disparities in School Safety: Does Interaction with School Safety Practices and Policies Differ by Race?  Security Journal

Zeitlin, W., Auerbach, C., Mason, S., Spivak, L. & Erdman, A. (2019). Factors predicating loss to follow-up with rescreening in early hearing detection and intervention programs. Families in Society, 100(2), 213-223. 


Mary Beth Morrissey

Morrissey, M.B., & Pollack, D., Morrissey, K., (2023). Solitary confinement: The latest numbers.  New York Law Journal. 

Morrissey, M.B., Brownell, P., (2023) Global and U.S. policy perspectives on COVID-19 and impacts on older adult care and older people of color: syndemic theory and public health strategies for palliative care. Handbook on COVID-19 Pandemic and Older Persons. Springer, Singapore.

Morrissey, M.B., Felsen, I., Frumer, J., Safir, M.P., Farber, T., (2023). Vibrant Older Adults. Pandemic Providers. Springer, Cham.


Dr. Daniel Pollack

Articles in 2022 by Pollack, D. listed on Wurzweiler's Blog

Articles in 2021 by Pollack, D. listed on Wurzweiler's Blog


Dr. Sari Beth Skolnik

Giacomucci, S., & Skolnik, S. (in press). The Experiential Social Work Educator: Integrating Sociometry into the Classroom Environment. Journal of Teaching in Social Work.  


Dr. Gary Stein

Stein, G.L., Berkman, C., Acquaviva, K., Woody, I., Godfrey, D., Javier, N.M., O’Mahony, S., González-Rivera, C., Maingi, S., Candrian, C., Rosa, W. (2023) Project Respect: experiences of seriously ill LGBTQ+ patients and partners with their health care providers. Health Affairs Scholar, 1(4), 1-9.

“Experiences of LGBT Patients and Families in Hospice and Palliative Care,” American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (diversity plenary), San Diego, CA. Diversity plenary moved due to Covid to February 2021 conference. [presentation]

Stein, G.L., Berkman, C.S., O’Mahony, S., Godfrey, D., Javier, N.M., & Maingi, S. (2020). Experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients and families in hospice and palliative care: Perspectives of the palliative care team. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 23(6), 817-824. DOI:


The Social Work Forum

The Social Work Forum (PDF) is a refereed journal of social work practice and Jewish social thought published by Wurzweiler. We are devoted to presenting the current thinking, expertise and experience of faculty, social workers and educators in the professional fields of social work and Jewish communal service.

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