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Office of the Dean

Prestigious universities are measured by the research productivity of their faculty, the successes of their alumni, the size of their endowments and the weight of their ivy.

Here at Stern College for Women, we can point to some very impressive statistics on all these counts, save the ivy index. But we also pride ourselves on much more.

The commitment of our entire student body to the study of primary texts in Hebrew and Aramaic is unheard of in higher education in America. The number of our women engaged in community service is enviable. And the percentage of our students majoring, doing research and publishing in nontraditional fields for women, such as the physical and mathematical sciences, competes favorably with the percentages at much larger institutions.

Stern College is alive with the sounds of voices from all over the United States and the world. These women are attracted by our unmatched Jewish Studies Program; our ambitious offering in the humanities, social and natural sciences; and our involvement with the culture of New York which is our campus.

All of this is coupled with opportunities to contribute to and learn from communities as distant from campus as Guatemala and Thailand through our service-learning options.

If you see yourself as someone committed to Jewish studies, to academic achievement, to being part of a network of women who are developing themselves as leaders, movers and shakers, then you belong at Stern College. We look forward to adding your voice to our joyous euphony.


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