Student Resources Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Apply Now Support RIETS Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology Computer Science Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Visualization Digital Marketing and Media Mathematics Occupational Therapy Physician Assistant Physics Speech-Language Pathology CalendarsRIETS Calendar 5785 - Fall 2024-Spring 2025_1.pdfPlease don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.To find out about other RIETS events, check out School Academic Calendars.2024-2025RequirementsRIETS Semikha Requirements Please review the RIETS Student Catalog and Handbook (PDF) for essential information that all students need to know, including degree requirements, course descriptions, registration guidelines, academic policies and more. Resources RIETS Application and Registration Sign In ( Kollel Applications KOLLEL APPLICATIONS OPEN Gruss Kollel application 5786 DEADLINE February 28, 2025/30 Shevat 5785Katz Kollel Application 5785.pdfKatz Kollel Status Form 5785.pdfMaybaum application 5785_0.pdfKupietzky Kodshim Kollel application 5785.pdfLamm Kollel L'Horaah_Yadin Yadin Kollel application 5785.pdf Semikha Requirements Requirements Fall 2024_0.pdf Reference Catalog of Sefarim in the Main Bais Medrash (Excel) Map of Sefarim in the Main Bais Medrash (PDF) Seating Procedures MYP and RIETS shiurim will be learning in two batei midrashot: the Harry Fischel Beit Midrash (the old ''main beit midrash'') and the Glueck beit midrash. Each rosh yeshiva and his shiur will have a designated learning area within a beit midrash. Please download the following documents. Contact your shiur assistant if you need help. Seating Procedures (PDF) Find your Shiur's Beit Midrash (PDF) Glueck First Floor Seating Chart (PDF) Glueck Second Floor Seating Chart (PDF) Fischel Seating Chart (PDF) Other Information RIETS Student Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF)RIETS 2019 Campus Climate SurveyRIETS 2017 Campus Climate SurveyRIETS 2021 Campus Climate SurveyReport_RIETS Campus Climate Survey 2023.pdf