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News & Events - Clinical Psychology, PsyD


Our Doctorate Program in Clinical Psychology is an APA accredited full-time doctoral degree. Get top clinical experience with practica & internship after completing the coursework.

News and Events


  • Congratulations to Dr. Critchfield for releasing his book Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB): A Primer for Clinical Use! SASB can help identify connections between a patient's current symptoms and their current and historical relationship patterns. The book summarizes over 50 years of research and clinical practices with SASB, and demonstrate how it can be used with any therapeutic approach! (more details here)


  • Dr. Bloch-Elkouby's lab celebrated the publication of eight papers, either authored or co-authored by lab members (some still in press)! These works include empirical studies, encyclopedia entries, and a book chapter which explore topics such as suicide theories, risk identification tools, suicide-specific interventions, and the therapeutic alliance with high-risk patients. Additionally, Dr. Bloch-Elkouby presented preliminary findings from her AI study on racial disparities in suicide risk assessment and therapeutic alliance at the annual meetings of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Alexis Aberman, a rising 3rd year doctoral student in the lab, presented an excellent poster on the role of self-compassion in suicide-specific interventions. Dr. Bloch-Elkouby's Bergin and Garfield Emerging Scholar Award from the Society for Psychotherapy Research, initially received in June 2023, has been renewed for the academic year 2024-2025. A big thank you to the graduate students, coordinators, and research assistants of the Bloch-Elkouby Lab for their hard work!

  • Congratulations to Ferkauf students Sarah Horne, Raya Kumar, and Chayim Rosensweig for presenting their dissertation research at the third annual Psychiatry Research Institute at Montefiore Einstein (PRIME) Research Day poster exhibition on May 16, 2024.  

  • Congratulations to Cate Goldman and Ron Nicholson for having their posters accepted for upcoming conferences!

    • Cate Goldman's dissertation research, "Longing for Those Lost: Yearning, Depression, Personality, and Prolonged Grief during Covid-19," was accepted by Div12, Clinical Psychology, as a poster presentation.

    • Ron Nicholson's dissertation research, "Differences in Life Satisfaction after Trauma Across the Lifespan and Between Generations," was accepted by Div12, Adult Development and Aging, as a poster presentation.

    • Both posters will be presented at the upcoming annual meeting at the American Psychological Association in Seattle WA, in August 2024.   ​​​​​