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Life at Katz

Making the World Smarter, Safer and Healthier


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Life at Katz Student Stories

Life at Katz seeks to gain insights into what student life at the Katz School of Science and Health is really like through stories written by guest contributors, including students, alumni, faculty and staff. The stories and recommendations contained within are entirely the author's own.

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Yining Zhang
Dreaming Big in NYC

Hey there! I’m Yining from the beautiful Yunnan Province in China. I took the leap to study abroad because I was super curious about exploring different cultures and diving into new experiences. 

Why Yeshiva University’s Katz School? It’s simple—this place has a stellar biotech program, a super diverse group of classmates, and it's in New York City! If you're even a bit interested, my advice? Just go for it! 

My favorite class has got to be Biotechnology Management. It’s not every day you get to learn directly from folks who are rocking it in the biotech world. We’ve had a bunch of guest lecturers share the ins and outs of the industry, and it’s been nothing short of inspiring. I was also taken by surprise at how much I enjoyed Finance for Startups and Entrepreneurial Ventures. Finance isn’t really my jam, but this course opened my eyes to the nuts and bolts of financial planning—crucial info for anyone looking to commercialize new tech. 

One of the coolest parts of my journey here has been joining professor Ran Drori’s biochemistry lab as a research assistant. We’re exploring antifreeze proteins and their potential to stop ice from forming at low temps—which holds potential for revolutionizing food preservation. This is the kind of hands-on experience that’s gearing me up for my dream—pursuing a PhD. 

Living in NYC is as great as it sounds. Walking by the Empire State Building daily never gets old. The lights, the buzz—it’s magical. And yeah, the city’s expensive, but trust me, it’s totally manageable with a bit of savvy budgeting. 

My advice for new students? Stay curious and find your passion. Dive into group projects, network through professional events, and get real experience in labs. These are your golden tickets to wherever you want to go next. So, to all the future students out there—dream big, get involved, and embrace your adventure here. You’ve got this!



技术管理与创业硕士,2025届 - 耶史瓦大学科学与健康卡茨学院 



在卡茨学院,最幸运的事情应该是加入了Ran Drori教授的生物化学实验室,成功的成为一名研究助理。目前,我们正在研究抗冻蛋白及其在低温下阻止冰形成的潜力,也许不久的将来可能会成为下一个创新的食品保存技术!通过这段实验室经历,也让我坚定了下一步攻读博士学位的决心。 



Name: Yining Zhang 

Hometown: Yunnan Province, China 

Program: Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship

Favorite Class: Biotech Management 

Favorite Professor: Ran Drori 

Advice for Incoming Students: Dream big, get involved and embrace your adventure! 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Empire State Building

Elton Muchenje
Global Citizen

From the bustling streets of Harare, Zimbabwe to the towering skyscrapers of New York City, my journey has been one of relentless ambition and transformative discovery. Growing up in Zimbabwe, a country rich in culture and resilience, I embarked on a career in banking, starting humbly as a teller and rising through the ranks to become a chief teller. Each step was fueled by a passion for learning and a desire to make a significant impact. My story is also one of adaptation and growth, from mastering the intricacies of financial management to diving into the dynamic world of digital marketing, driven by a vision to harness the power of innovation to create meaningful change. 

Today, I am immersed in the world of digital marketing and media at Katz School of Science and Health. My inspiration to pursue my master's in digital media came from observing my former employer's transformation into a digital bank in Zimbabwe. Witnessing this evolution ignited my curiosity about how digital innovations can reshape industries globally. 

Choosing the Katz School was a natural fit for me. Its diverse culture, which I discovered while browsing the school's website, and its prime location in the heart of New York City—a place I've always dreamed of living—made it feel surreal. 

In addition to my studies, I serve as a brand ambassador at MPOWER Financing, where I guide international students in choosing their programs and schools, helping them secure funding for their education. By combining my financial sector experience with my growing knowledge in digital marketing and media, I aim to offer invaluable support to students navigating their academic journeys. 

My favorite class is Consumer Behavior. Coming from a finance background, I lacked knowledge about utilizing consumer behavior in developing marketing strategies. This class has been enlightening, and our professor, Sivia Naimer, is incredibly engaging, friendly, and caring, making the learning experience even more enjoyable. 

My favorite spots in NYC are the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island because they represent so much of what makes New York City special to me—freedom, opportunity, and a rich, diverse history. Coming from Harare, I see parallels between these landmarks and the stories of people in my homeland striving for better lives and new beginnings. 

On the other hand, Central Park feels like home. It's my go-to place to escape the hustle and bustle, unwind, and enjoy some peace and tranquility. There's something about the natural beauty and open spaces that makes me feel grounded and connected to the city's energy in a way that's comforting and familiar. 

My advice for incoming students is to embrace the rich tapestry of cultural diversity you'll encounter—it's one of the greatest assets you'll experience. Stay ahead academically by being proactive and disciplined in your studies, ensuring you build a solid foundation for your future. Managing your finances wisely is crucial; develop a budget and stick to it to avoid unnecessary stress. Surround yourself with a strong support network of friends, mentors, and advisors who will uplift and guide you. Prioritize your physical and mental health, as they are vital to your overall success and well-being. Take the time to explore and enjoy your new environment, as it will broaden your horizons and enrich your experience. Lastly, maintain a positive and resilient attitude, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and development. With these principles, you'll not only survive but thrive in this new chapter of your life. 

Embarking on the journey to America is both exciting and challenging. As someone who has made this journey, I would like to share some tips to help you prepare and succeed:

— Research and Plan Ahead: Familiarize yourself with the visa process, university requirements, and the city you’ll be living in. Proper planning will help you avoid last-minute surprises. 

Cultural Adaptation: Embrace the cultural diversity and be open to learning. Engage with different cultures to enrich your experience and broaden your perspective.

— Academic Preparedness: Stay ahead in your studies by understanding the academic expectations and resources available. Make use of study groups, tutoring services, and office hours to excel in your coursework.

— Financial Management: Budget wisely. Understand the cost of living in your new city and manage your finances to avoid unnecessary stress. Look for part-time job opportunities that align with your visa regulations. As a brand ambassador at MPOWER Financing, I can assist you with financial advice and resources tailored to international students.

Build a Support Network: Connect with fellow students, join international student organizations, and participate in campus activities. Having a support network will make your transition smoother and your experience more enjoyable.

— Stay Healthy: Take care of your physical and mental health. Utilize university health services and maintain a balanced lifestyle to ensure you can perform your best academically and socially.

— Explore and Enjoy: Take time to explore your new environment and enjoy the unique experiences it offers. Visit local attractions, try new foods, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

— Stay Positive and Resilient: There will be challenges along the way but stay positive and resilient. Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn and grow. America is a land of opportunities, and with determination and preparation, you can achieve your dreams. Good luck on your journey!

Name: Elton Muchenje

Hometown: Harare, Zimbabwe 

NYC Neighborhood: Staten Island 

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media 

Favorite Class: Consumer Behavior

Favorite Professor: Sivia Naimer 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Statue of Liberty and Ellis İsland 

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: Central Park

Yulia Bakhitova
Discovering the Magic of Central Park

I used to live in Siberia, where winter days were dark and temperatures often plummeted to a bone-chilling 36 degrees below zero. Amid those harsh conditions, I found an unexpected source of solace in a simple image of Central Park, which I kept as my desktop screensaver. This serene picture served as a daily escape from the bitter cold, and it kindled a dream within me. I yearned to live near Central Park and pursue my graduate degree. Little did I know that this dream would eventually materialize.

Last year, I was admitted to the Katz School of Science and Health, which gave me the opportunity to move to New York City and make that dream a reality. Central Park, once a distant daydream, now stands as a vivid symbol of perseverance and a powerful reminder of the tangible strength of our dreams.

Every Sunday, I head to Central Park with my best friend to take in its beauty, enjoy a picnic, and soak up the atmosphere. Central Park, to me, has become more than just a scenic escape; it's a testament to the power of belief. It proves that dreams, no matter how big or seemingly impossible, can come true for those who refuse to give up.

Here are a few of my favorite spots in Central Park: 

- Sheep’s Meadow: It's a wide-open field with a view of skyscrapers, perfect for picnics or playing frisbee with friends.

- Bethesda Fountain and Terrace: This historic structure is one of the first built in the park. I love walking here, admiring the architecture and listening to street musicians. Fun fact: you can see Bethesda Fountain featured in movies like Home Alone 2 and John Wick 2.

- View from Top of the RockI highly recommend visiting this spot at least once for an unbeatable rooftop view of New York City. This is the spot that reminds me most of the picture I had on my desktop in Siberia, and seeing it in person was when it really hit me that my once-impossible dream had come true. 

- Bow Bridge: One of the most iconic features of Central Park, this bridge is a romantic and frequently photographed spot with a view of the lake.

- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir: Also known as Central Park Reservoir, it covers a significant portion of the park's surface and offers runners one of the best views of the city skyline.

Central Park isn't just a fair-weather friend. It boasts year-round attractions: cherry blossoms in the spring (between 72nd and 96th streets), ice-skating rinks in winter and biking in the summer.

To truly unlock the magic of Central Park and, indeed, New York City, there's no better way than strolling its paths. On foot, you can discover your own personal power place, a spot that will pull you back time and time again. For me, that power spot is Central Park. It isn't just a destination; it's an embodiment of dreams, an emblem of hope and a sanctuary for all New Yorkers, wherever we are from.

Name: Yulia Bakhitova

Hometown: Moscow, Russia

NYC Neighborhood: Astoria, Queens

Program: Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Class: Consumer Behavior CRM

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Advice for Incoming Students: Always recall why you've taken this path. Be responsible, because your actions shape your future. Use not only AI but also your intellect!

Favorite Spot in NYC: Tiffany & Co.

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: Central Park

Sayanto Pal
Biotech in the City that Never Sleeps

As an international student from Mumbai, India, I relocated to New York City for graduate studies because of the boundless opportunities it offers. New York and Mumbai are cities that never sleep, with nonstop access to lights, people and food.

I came to New York wanting a unique experience that combined biotechnology and entrepreneurship, which is exactly why I chose the M.S. in Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship at the Katz School. The curriculum integrates real-world projects, providing an important platform for learning and the chance to make mistakes without fear of failure. From the very beginning, I have had access to professors who deeply understand both biotechnology and entrepreneurship, offering invaluable insights that are already giving shape to my professional career.

Professor Robert Friedman has been especially helpful, providing career advice and facilitating an interview for a summer internship, and Dr. Rana Khan and Natasha Shtraizent went above and beyond in their efforts to connect me with potential internship opportunities at Yeshiva University and the startup FREEZENT Biological Solutions, respectively. Their willingness to lend their time and expertise to support my career aspirations is a testament to the dedication of the faculty.

In addition to my studies, I’m a research assistant under Dr. Margarita Vigodner, professor of biology at YU’s Stern College for Women, studying the effect of SUMOylation on the germ cells of mice and how it affects the growth and development of mouse sperm cells. In her lab, we use ginkgolic acid and siRNA to inhibit SUMOylation. This helps us to validate some of the identified targets, which play an important role in spermatogenesis, as well as glean insights into how SUMO controls mechanisms in germ cells. We used gel-electrophoresis and western blotting techniques to observe the results of the inhibition of SUMOylation on the targeted proteins. Not only have I received academic credit for my work with Dr. Vigodner, but I’ve also profited just from working beside an experienced and well-respected researcher.

Outside the lab, I serve as vice president of the Katz School Graduate Student Association (GSA). In this role, I’m able to enhance the campus experience for my peers and contribute to a vibrant Katz School culture. Last fall, the GSA organized three events aimed at facilitating meaningful connections between students, strengthening their networks, and increasing the size of their social circle. These events provided a much-needed opportunity for students to unwind and de-stress.

Personally, one of the unexpected joys of attending the Katz School is being exposed to New York City’s rich cultural heritage and iconic attractions. So far, I’ve visited Times Square, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park and St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and there are several more destinations on my bucket list that I plan to visit before I graduate.

My advice to incoming Katz School students is to seize the opportunities for personal and professional growth that the school provides. Approach every new experience with enthusiasm and a desire to learn, and you will be amazed at the doors that will open.

My time so far at the Katz School has been nothing short of life-changing. After I graduate next year, I plan to become a life-sciences consultant, assisting biopharmaceutical companies with the launch of new products. I hadn’t considered this line of work until Professor Friedman impressed upon me the importance of taking risks in pursuing my passion. I now feel confident in the direction my life is taking and I owe much of this to the skills, experiences and relationships I’ve gained at the Katz School.

Sayanto presented his work at the 2023 Katz School Symposium on Science, Technology, and Health

Name: Sayanto Pal

Hometown: Mumbai, India

Program: M.S. in Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship

NYC Neighborhood: Jersey City

Favorite Classes: Biotechnology Management; Pharmacology Product Development and Commercialization; Project Management Intellectual Property; Regulation and Compliance for Biotechnology

Favorite Professors: Robert Friedman, Dr. Natasha Shtraizen, Debra Inger and Erik Dykema

Advice for Incoming Students: Familiarize yourself with your professors and academic advisors for support and guidance. Prevent procrastination by effectively managing your time. Maximize utilizing academic resources at students' fingertips, including career guidance centers. Be more connected to the institution and make new acquaintances by participating in campus clubs and events. Never hesitate to ask if you need any help.

Favorite Spots in NYC: Time Square, Brooklyn Bridge

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: I feel at home at the Katz School because of the kind and supportive atmosphere it offers. If you ever need somebody to cheer you on or join in on an activity, your professors and friends are always there. Most notably, Dr. Khan, Dr. Vigodner and Dr. Natasha were there for me through thick and thin. Whenever there has been a storm, Dean Paul Russo and the rest of Katz have been there to give shelter, much like an umbrella.

Asmit Bazagain
Best NYC Study Spots

Even in New York City's bustling environment, you can find peaceful spots to concentrate and foster innovation. For those seeking an inspiring atmosphere to enhance their learning experience, exploring the city's arts, music, architecture and historical sites can provide a rich source of inspiration.

Stepping outside the confines of my apartment allowed me to immerse myself in the vibrant cultural scene and draw inspiration from the city's diverse offerings. Exploring the city also helped me find some great places to study.

One of the highlights of my time at the Katz School was when I was recognized at a special event honoring the Nepali-American community. With 500 of my countrymen looking on, NYC's Mayor Eric Adams hoisted an eight-foot-tall Nepali flag in Manhattan’s Bowling Green Park, in front of the iconic Charging Bull sculpture on Wall Street near the World Trade Center.

New York State Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar presented me with a First Certificate of Merit for my volunteer efforts with the Minority Empowerment Network, which promotes mental health awareness and economic empowerment of New York City’s South Asian communities. It was quite a moment. because Nepal is a very small country and having our flag fly beside the flag of the United States made me and the Nepali community especially proud.

I chose New York City to further my education because of Yeshiva University's reputation for educational excellence, the abundance of economic opportunity, and because it’s home to 70,000 Nepalese immigrants.

Here are my favorite study spots in New York City:

  1. NYC Public Library at Bryant Park (476 5th Ave at 42nd Street) — My top pick for inspiring study spaces, New York City's flagship public library houses an extensive research collection and offers many public programs and exhibitions.
  2. Central Park's Sheep Meadow (in Central Park between 66th and 69th Streets) — If studying outdoors is your thing, be sure to check out this 15-acre meadow near the southwestern section of Central Park.
  3. Book Club (197 E. 3rd St.) — Great independent bookstore and bar in the East Village.
  4. YU's Heidi Steinberg Library (Beren Campus, 245 Lexington Ave) — Great place for quiet study and research support. You can also reserve private group study rooms.
  5. Housing Works Bookstore Cafe (126 Crosby St.) — An institution in the Soho neighborhood with a cafe and amazing collection of used books,

Name: Asmit Bazagain

Hometown: Bakhtapur, Nepal

NYC Neighborhood: Sunnyside, Queens

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Class: Web Analytics and SEO

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Advice for Incoming Students:

Be ready for new challenges and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Look for the opportunities and build a strong network that will be impactful for the rest of your life. Enjoy New York City as much as you can and explore as much as you can because for some people it is like a dream visiting here. You are living the dream!

For Exploring by Foot: Times Square, Central ParkHunter Point South ParkBryant Park, Park Avenue, Wall Street, 5th Avenue, Woodside and Astoria (Queens), Dumbo (Brooklyn)

For Arts and CultureMuseum of Modern ArtNatural History Museum, St. Patrick's CathedralMadison Square Garden

For Skyline Views: Panorama Room at the Graduate Hotel, 230 Fifth Rooftop Bar 

For a quick biteSweetgreen, Fresh&Co

Sejal Bhutani
Finding Influencer Success

My initial foray into the world of marketing led me to a school that left me feeling unfulfilled. The theories and concepts were there, but the hands-on experience I craved was missing. Determined to find the right fit, I explored various schools and that's when I found the Katz School.

Enrolling at the Katz School was a turning point in my pursuit of becoming a digital influencer. The Katz School's dynamic courses and practical approach not only equipped me with necessary technical skills but also fostered a creative environment that fueled my aspirations. With each class, I could feel myself evolving into a digital marketing maestro. 


I aspire to impact the fashion industry significantly and to work with big brands in New York City. Now that I'm here, my dreams are bigger than ever. The cityscape has became my canvas. From the iconic streets of Times Square to the hidden gems in Brooklyn, every corner of New York City has become a backdrop for my content. Armed with my newfound skills, I've confidently pitched myself to brands I admired. In the heart of New York City, I've found my stage. With each post, video and collaboration, I was not just building a brand, I was becoming one.


Name: Sejal Bhutani

Hometown: Delhi, India

NYC Neighborhood: Queens

Program: Digital Media and Marketing

Favorite Class: Customer Relationship Management

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Favorite Spot in NYC: Little Island

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: East Village

Advice to Incoming Students:

Embrace every opportunity to learn, network and innovate. Be proactive, stay curious and don't hesitate to showcase your unique perspective. Remember, success is not just about grades; it's about the experiences, connections and lessons you gather along the way. Keep pushing boundaries and believe in your journey!

Haoming Guo
Reflecting on My Journey

A Letter of Gratitude to Yeshiva University’s Katz School of Science and Health

I can officially say that I am a graduate of the Katz School of Health and hold an M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media. With my diploma in hand, I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and a flood of memories. This diploma is not merely a testament to my academic achievements; it symbolizes a transformative journey of learning, personal growth and forging lifelong friendships during my time at Yeshiva University, particularly at the Katz School.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Katz School. This wonderful institution has been instrumental in my academic and personal development. It was here that I gained not only a profound understanding of marketing principles but also learned the art of critical thinking and tackling complex challenges. I am thankful to the Katz School staff for their dedication to creating a nurturing and efficient educational environment, which played a crucial role in enhancing our academic and social experiences and made our journey both smooth and enjoyable.

A special acknowledgment is owed to Program Director Joseph Panzarella and to all the Digital Marketing and Media faculty. Joseph Panzarella, your teachings on data-driven decision-making have immensely sharpened my perspective in the marketing arena. Josh Moritz, your expertise and knowledge have been truly inspiring. Thom Kennon, your insights in class continue to influence my approach to marketing. William Wedo, your storytelling techniques were invaluable. Patricia Berry, your guidance and encouragement have been pivotal in fostering my problem-solving skills and independent thinking. Asaf Hochman, your meticulous attention to detail has deepened my understanding of marketing nuances. Each lesson, word of encouragement and challenge presented by you has left an indelible mark on my personal and professional growth.

My journey would not have been the same without my classmates and friends. You have been more than fellow scholars; you have been partners in this extraordinary journey. Together, we navigated the rigors of academia, celebrated our triumphs and built lasting relationships that I will forever cherish. Every corner of the campus and of New York City echoes with memories, each serving as a treasured keepsake in my heart.

As I reflect on my time at the Katz School, I realize that graduation is not an end but the commencement of a new chapter. I step into the future with boundless gratitude for the knowledge, experiences and relationships fostered during my time at Yeshiva University and the Katz School. We are Katz!

Hometown: Hong Kong

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Professors: Joseph Panzarella, Patricia Berry, Thom Kennon, Asaf Hochman

Orly Schejter
Cybersecurity beyond Borders

Growing up in Colombia, I always had a curiosity for the world beyond my own borders. So, when the opportunity arose to study abroad, there was no hesitation. New York City, with its bustling streets and melting pot of cultures, called out to me. It's the capital of diversity, a place where you can meet people from every corner of the globe. Studying in such an environment promised growth, both personally and professionally, and I couldn't resist.

Choosing the Katz School of Science and Health was a no-brainer. The Katz School offers a curriculum tailored to individual needs, with faculty who truly engage with their students. As an international student, feeling connected to my instructors and peers was essential, and the Katz School delivered. Renowned for its excellence, it was the perfect fit for my graduate studies.

In the cybersecurity program, I found a community of like-minded individuals, many of whom, like me, came from abroad. The program's emphasis on real-world applicability and networking events like Cybertech provided invaluable experiences. Each class discussion was enriched by the diverse perspectives we all brought to the table.

If I had to pick a favorite class, it would be Security Architecture with Professor Nicole Becher. Exploring the intricacies of AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud has been both fascinating and eye-opening. Professor Becher's passion for the subject is contagious, making every lecture a stimulating experience.

Outside of academics, I love immersing myself in the vibrant life of New York City. Bryant Park, with its Winter Village, holds a special place in my heart. And who can forget 230 Rooftop, a favorite hangout spot from my undergrad days? There's never a dull moment in this city, and I make sure to savor every opportunity it offers.

My interest in cybersecurity extends beyond the classroom. My research project on IoT highlighted the pressing need for better security measures in an increasingly connected world. As society embraces technologies like Electric Vehicles, the risks of hacking become all too real.

Currently, I'm working as a Finance, Data Analytics, and Accounting Peer Tutor and Teaching Assistant. It's incredibly rewarding to help fellow students navigate these complex subjects and witness their learning journey unfold.

My dream job as a CIA Digital Forensics Engineer aligns perfectly with my passion for safeguarding against cyber threats and contributing to a safer future. In a world where cyber-attacks are a looming threat, I'm determined to play my part in fortifying our defenses. With the skills and knowledge gained from Katz School of Science and Health, I'm ready to tackle the challenges ahead and make a difference in the field of cybersecurity.

Name: Orly Schejter

Hometown: Colombia

Graduate Program: M.S. in Cybersecurity

Favorite Class: Security Architecture

Favorite Professor: Nicole Becher

Favorite Spot in NYC: Bryant Park

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: 230 Rooftop

Advice for Incoming Students: Savor every moment!

Diane Schrenzel
Parisian Flair meets New York Hustle

I'm Diane Schrenzel, originally from Paris, France, now pursuing my M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media at Yeshiva University's Katz School of Science and Health in NYC. Alongside my studies, I lead marketing efforts focusing on web and data analytics for a startup. My journey blends Parisian flair with New York hustle as I navigate the digital realm, crafting strategies for success. 

My journey into marketing began back in high school when I took an online marketing class and found it captivating. After moving to the United States to attend Wellesley College, I delved deeper into business classes at MIT Sloan while pursuing my art history major, another passion of mine. 

Upon graduating in 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself managing an antique store in Midtown Manhattan, leveraging my experience from internships at art auction houses during my undergraduate years. This role solidified my interest in business and marketing, prompting me to pursue my master’s degree at the Katz School of Science and Health. 

New York City's vibrant atmosphere and cultural richness have always drawn me in, reminiscent of the energy I love about Paris. The bustling cityscape, combined with Katz School's diverse student body and esteemed faculty, made it an easy choice for me. 

My favorite spot in the city is Angelina, a French cafe nestled in Bryant Park, where I indulge in their delectable pastries and signature Mont-Blanc. For a dose of culture, I frequent the Metropolitan Museum of Art, reveling in its ever-changing exhibits. 

What I appreciate most about the Katz School is its inclusivity and the wealth of real-world experience offered by the professors. The personalized attention and supportive environment have truly made me feel at home. 

Web analytics, taught by Professor Sivie Naimer, stands out as my favorite class. Her holistic approach to data analysis has equipped me with invaluable skills, which I've already applied in my new role at the startup. Professor Naimer's guidance has been instrumental in navigating the challenges of my current position, highlighting the practicality and relevance of the Katz School's curriculum. 

My journey at the Katz School has been enriching, empowering me to thrive both academically and professionally in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. 

Hometown: Paris, France

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media  

Favorite Class: Web analytics 

Favorite Professor: Sivie Naimer 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Angelina Cafe in Bryant Park  

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: Metropolitan Museum of Art 

Ran Zhong and Chengkun Yao
YU's Chinese-Jewish Conversation

YU’s Chinese-Jewish Conversation (CJC) is a unique program designed to build a cultural bridge between the Chinese and Jewish communities and to provide a welcome space for Chinese students in New York City. The program sponsors periodic comparative seminars by Chinese and Jewish scholars, along with celebrations of significant cultural festivals such as the Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival, and informal gatherings of students, alumni, and professionals to enhance academic and cultural connections. Here’s a retrospective look at one of its most popular annual events—a recent celebration of the Chinese New Year.

This story was originally published on YU News.

Chinese New Year Celebration 2024: Year of the Dragon 

By Ran Zhong and Chengkun Yao

The Chinese-Jewish Conversation (CJC) and the Katz School of Science and Health celebrated the Chinese Year of the Dragon at Beren Campus’ Yagoda Commons.  More than 90 students and faculty came together for a lively evening of cultural exchange and festivities. The event highlighted the shared lunar calendar of the Chinese and Jewish New Year traditions through educational discussions, music, games and an abundance of kosher Chinese cuisine. For Yining Zhang, a Katz student majoring in digital media and marketing, the event marked the first time he celebrated the Spring Festival abroad. He noted that “it was a chance to experience the lively New Year atmosphere with classmates from all over the world—and to learn about the Jewish New Year!"

For Chinese students far from home, the evening was a time to connect with both old and new friends while sharing their traditions with the wider YU community. Known also as the "Spring Festival," the Lunar New Year is the most significant festival in Chinese culture. Culminating in the Lantern Festival, it is traditionally a time when families gather for a week or two.

Ms. Kedi He from Beijing hosted the event and introduced Dr. Mordechai Cohen, the Director of the CJC. Dr. Cohen shared his insights on how the Chinese and Jewish New Year celebrations and calendars compare. He explained that the Jewish New Year, Rosh haShanah, is celebrated on the new moon of the seventh month in the Jewish lunar calendar. In contrast, the Chinese Spring Festival is marked on the second new moon after the winter solstice. Interestingly, this often aligns with the Jewish month of Shevat—specifically, the New Year for Trees, a date based on one interpretation in the Talmud. Another Talmudic view places this celebration at the full moon, or Tu Bi-Shevat (the 15th of Shevat), which coincides with China's Lantern Festival. Dr. Cohen pointed out a fascinating occurrence: these celebrations can align after a Jewish leap year, as they did in 2023, and they will align again in 2025 due to this year being a Jewish leap year. 

After the lecture, an engaging quiz game on Chinese and Jewish New Year traditions captivated the audience, with prizes awarded to the winners. Some of the Chinese participants, including Ms. He, were joined by their parents who traveled from China to New York for the New Year. The visiting family members were delighted to be part of the festivities as well learn about Jewish rituals and culture.

No Chinese celebration is complete without music and song, and the evening was no exception, with attendees enjoying karaoke renditions of many Chinese classics. The audience was particularly moved when Dr. Cohen, accompanied by his son Elisha (YUHSB '24), performed a beloved traditional Chinese song, “The Moon Represents My Heart.” The Chinese students felt as though they were back in their hometowns, with many commenting on how the magic of music bridged the gap between Chinese and Jewish cultures. Elisha, who is a member of the Miami Boys Choir, also shared Hebrew songs, adding a beautiful note of cultural harmony to the evening.

The festivities featured a variety of Chinese games, including "lucky draw" and a "chopsticks ping-pong ball" competition. With the latter, the Chinese students were pleasantly surprised to be outperformed by some of the Stern College students. The winners received traditional "Red Packets" with a gift card.

The colorful evening proved a memorable experience for all who attended.  For Stern College student, Breindy Berger, the Chinese New Year celebration was truly meaningful.  “I found the quiz fascinating and the ping-pong game a lot of fun!" Chaya Goldberger, her classmate, added, "I learned how to say 'Happy New Year' in Chinese from my new friend, Xinyue Huang! It was such a fantastic event.” Wei Luo, a Digital Arts and Visualization major at the Katz School, expressed a heartfelt thank you to the CJC team of Yeshiva University and Dr. Cohen for organizing the New Year celebration. “It allowed us Chinese students studying abroad to feel the festival's warmth and blessings!"

Yining Zhang
Dreaming Big in NYC

Hey there! I’m Yining from the beautiful Yunnan Province in China. I took the leap to study abroad because I was super curious about exploring different cultures and diving into new experiences. 

Why Yeshiva University’s Katz School? It’s simple—this place has a stellar biotech program, a super diverse group of classmates, and it's in New York City! If you're even a bit interested, my advice? Just go for it! 

My favorite class has got to be Biotechnology Management. It’s not every day you get to learn directly from folks who are rocking it in the biotech world. We’ve had a bunch of guest lecturers share the ins and outs of the industry, and it’s been nothing short of inspiring. I was also taken by surprise at how much I enjoyed Finance for Startups and Entrepreneurial Ventures. Finance isn’t really my jam, but this course opened my eyes to the nuts and bolts of financial planning—crucial info for anyone looking to commercialize new tech. 

One of the coolest parts of my journey here has been joining professor Ran Drori’s biochemistry lab as a research assistant. We’re exploring antifreeze proteins and their potential to stop ice from forming at low temps—which holds potential for revolutionizing food preservation. This is the kind of hands-on experience that’s gearing me up for my dream—pursuing a PhD. 

Living in NYC is as great as it sounds. Walking by the Empire State Building daily never gets old. The lights, the buzz—it’s magical. And yeah, the city’s expensive, but trust me, it’s totally manageable with a bit of savvy budgeting. 

My advice for new students? Stay curious and find your passion. Dive into group projects, network through professional events, and get real experience in labs. These are your golden tickets to wherever you want to go next. So, to all the future students out there—dream big, get involved, and embrace your adventure here. You’ve got this!



技术管理与创业硕士,2025届 - 耶史瓦大学科学与健康卡茨学院 



在卡茨学院,最幸运的事情应该是加入了Ran Drori教授的生物化学实验室,成功的成为一名研究助理。目前,我们正在研究抗冻蛋白及其在低温下阻止冰形成的潜力,也许不久的将来可能会成为下一个创新的食品保存技术!通过这段实验室经历,也让我坚定了下一步攻读博士学位的决心。 



Name: Yining Zhang 

Hometown: Yunnan Province, China 

Program: Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship

Favorite Class: Biotech Management 

Favorite Professor: Ran Drori 

Advice for Incoming Students: Dream big, get involved and embrace your adventure! 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Empire State Building

Elton Muchenje
Global Citizen

From the bustling streets of Harare, Zimbabwe to the towering skyscrapers of New York City, my journey has been one of relentless ambition and transformative discovery. Growing up in Zimbabwe, a country rich in culture and resilience, I embarked on a career in banking, starting humbly as a teller and rising through the ranks to become a chief teller. Each step was fueled by a passion for learning and a desire to make a significant impact. My story is also one of adaptation and growth, from mastering the intricacies of financial management to diving into the dynamic world of digital marketing, driven by a vision to harness the power of innovation to create meaningful change. 

Today, I am immersed in the world of digital marketing and media at Katz School of Science and Health. My inspiration to pursue my master's in digital media came from observing my former employer's transformation into a digital bank in Zimbabwe. Witnessing this evolution ignited my curiosity about how digital innovations can reshape industries globally. 

Choosing the Katz School was a natural fit for me. Its diverse culture, which I discovered while browsing the school's website, and its prime location in the heart of New York City—a place I've always dreamed of living—made it feel surreal. 

In addition to my studies, I serve as a brand ambassador at MPOWER Financing, where I guide international students in choosing their programs and schools, helping them secure funding for their education. By combining my financial sector experience with my growing knowledge in digital marketing and media, I aim to offer invaluable support to students navigating their academic journeys. 

My favorite class is Consumer Behavior. Coming from a finance background, I lacked knowledge about utilizing consumer behavior in developing marketing strategies. This class has been enlightening, and our professor, Sivia Naimer, is incredibly engaging, friendly, and caring, making the learning experience even more enjoyable. 

My favorite spots in NYC are the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island because they represent so much of what makes New York City special to me—freedom, opportunity, and a rich, diverse history. Coming from Harare, I see parallels between these landmarks and the stories of people in my homeland striving for better lives and new beginnings. 

On the other hand, Central Park feels like home. It's my go-to place to escape the hustle and bustle, unwind, and enjoy some peace and tranquility. There's something about the natural beauty and open spaces that makes me feel grounded and connected to the city's energy in a way that's comforting and familiar. 

My advice for incoming students is to embrace the rich tapestry of cultural diversity you'll encounter—it's one of the greatest assets you'll experience. Stay ahead academically by being proactive and disciplined in your studies, ensuring you build a solid foundation for your future. Managing your finances wisely is crucial; develop a budget and stick to it to avoid unnecessary stress. Surround yourself with a strong support network of friends, mentors, and advisors who will uplift and guide you. Prioritize your physical and mental health, as they are vital to your overall success and well-being. Take the time to explore and enjoy your new environment, as it will broaden your horizons and enrich your experience. Lastly, maintain a positive and resilient attitude, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and development. With these principles, you'll not only survive but thrive in this new chapter of your life. 

Embarking on the journey to America is both exciting and challenging. As someone who has made this journey, I would like to share some tips to help you prepare and succeed:

— Research and Plan Ahead: Familiarize yourself with the visa process, university requirements, and the city you’ll be living in. Proper planning will help you avoid last-minute surprises. 

Cultural Adaptation: Embrace the cultural diversity and be open to learning. Engage with different cultures to enrich your experience and broaden your perspective.

— Academic Preparedness: Stay ahead in your studies by understanding the academic expectations and resources available. Make use of study groups, tutoring services, and office hours to excel in your coursework.

— Financial Management: Budget wisely. Understand the cost of living in your new city and manage your finances to avoid unnecessary stress. Look for part-time job opportunities that align with your visa regulations. As a brand ambassador at MPOWER Financing, I can assist you with financial advice and resources tailored to international students.

Build a Support Network: Connect with fellow students, join international student organizations, and participate in campus activities. Having a support network will make your transition smoother and your experience more enjoyable.

— Stay Healthy: Take care of your physical and mental health. Utilize university health services and maintain a balanced lifestyle to ensure you can perform your best academically and socially.

— Explore and Enjoy: Take time to explore your new environment and enjoy the unique experiences it offers. Visit local attractions, try new foods, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

— Stay Positive and Resilient: There will be challenges along the way but stay positive and resilient. Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn and grow. America is a land of opportunities, and with determination and preparation, you can achieve your dreams. Good luck on your journey!

Name: Elton Muchenje

Hometown: Harare, Zimbabwe 

NYC Neighborhood: Staten Island 

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media 

Favorite Class: Consumer Behavior

Favorite Professor: Sivia Naimer 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Statue of Liberty and Ellis İsland 

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: Central Park

Yulia Bakhitova
Discovering the Magic of Central Park

I used to live in Siberia, where winter days were dark and temperatures often plummeted to a bone-chilling 36 degrees below zero. Amid those harsh conditions, I found an unexpected source of solace in a simple image of Central Park, which I kept as my desktop screensaver. This serene picture served as a daily escape from the bitter cold, and it kindled a dream within me. I yearned to live near Central Park and pursue my graduate degree. Little did I know that this dream would eventually materialize.

Last year, I was admitted to the Katz School of Science and Health, which gave me the opportunity to move to New York City and make that dream a reality. Central Park, once a distant daydream, now stands as a vivid symbol of perseverance and a powerful reminder of the tangible strength of our dreams.

Every Sunday, I head to Central Park with my best friend to take in its beauty, enjoy a picnic, and soak up the atmosphere. Central Park, to me, has become more than just a scenic escape; it's a testament to the power of belief. It proves that dreams, no matter how big or seemingly impossible, can come true for those who refuse to give up.

Here are a few of my favorite spots in Central Park: 

- Sheep’s Meadow: It's a wide-open field with a view of skyscrapers, perfect for picnics or playing frisbee with friends.

- Bethesda Fountain and Terrace: This historic structure is one of the first built in the park. I love walking here, admiring the architecture and listening to street musicians. Fun fact: you can see Bethesda Fountain featured in movies like Home Alone 2 and John Wick 2.

- View from Top of the RockI highly recommend visiting this spot at least once for an unbeatable rooftop view of New York City. This is the spot that reminds me most of the picture I had on my desktop in Siberia, and seeing it in person was when it really hit me that my once-impossible dream had come true. 

- Bow Bridge: One of the most iconic features of Central Park, this bridge is a romantic and frequently photographed spot with a view of the lake.

- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir: Also known as Central Park Reservoir, it covers a significant portion of the park's surface and offers runners one of the best views of the city skyline.

Central Park isn't just a fair-weather friend. It boasts year-round attractions: cherry blossoms in the spring (between 72nd and 96th streets), ice-skating rinks in winter and biking in the summer.

To truly unlock the magic of Central Park and, indeed, New York City, there's no better way than strolling its paths. On foot, you can discover your own personal power place, a spot that will pull you back time and time again. For me, that power spot is Central Park. It isn't just a destination; it's an embodiment of dreams, an emblem of hope and a sanctuary for all New Yorkers, wherever we are from.

Name: Yulia Bakhitova

Hometown: Moscow, Russia

NYC Neighborhood: Astoria, Queens

Program: Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Class: Consumer Behavior CRM

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Advice for Incoming Students: Always recall why you've taken this path. Be responsible, because your actions shape your future. Use not only AI but also your intellect!

Favorite Spot in NYC: Tiffany & Co.

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: Central Park

Sayanto Pal
Biotech in the City that Never Sleeps

As an international student from Mumbai, India, I relocated to New York City for graduate studies because of the boundless opportunities it offers. New York and Mumbai are cities that never sleep, with nonstop access to lights, people and food.

I came to New York wanting a unique experience that combined biotechnology and entrepreneurship, which is exactly why I chose the M.S. in Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship at the Katz School. The curriculum integrates real-world projects, providing an important platform for learning and the chance to make mistakes without fear of failure. From the very beginning, I have had access to professors who deeply understand both biotechnology and entrepreneurship, offering invaluable insights that are already giving shape to my professional career.

Professor Robert Friedman has been especially helpful, providing career advice and facilitating an interview for a summer internship, and Dr. Rana Khan and Natasha Shtraizent went above and beyond in their efforts to connect me with potential internship opportunities at Yeshiva University and the startup FREEZENT Biological Solutions, respectively. Their willingness to lend their time and expertise to support my career aspirations is a testament to the dedication of the faculty.

In addition to my studies, I’m a research assistant under Dr. Margarita Vigodner, professor of biology at YU’s Stern College for Women, studying the effect of SUMOylation on the germ cells of mice and how it affects the growth and development of mouse sperm cells. In her lab, we use ginkgolic acid and siRNA to inhibit SUMOylation. This helps us to validate some of the identified targets, which play an important role in spermatogenesis, as well as glean insights into how SUMO controls mechanisms in germ cells. We used gel-electrophoresis and western blotting techniques to observe the results of the inhibition of SUMOylation on the targeted proteins. Not only have I received academic credit for my work with Dr. Vigodner, but I’ve also profited just from working beside an experienced and well-respected researcher.

Outside the lab, I serve as vice president of the Katz School Graduate Student Association (GSA). In this role, I’m able to enhance the campus experience for my peers and contribute to a vibrant Katz School culture. Last fall, the GSA organized three events aimed at facilitating meaningful connections between students, strengthening their networks, and increasing the size of their social circle. These events provided a much-needed opportunity for students to unwind and de-stress.

Personally, one of the unexpected joys of attending the Katz School is being exposed to New York City’s rich cultural heritage and iconic attractions. So far, I’ve visited Times Square, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park and St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and there are several more destinations on my bucket list that I plan to visit before I graduate.

My advice to incoming Katz School students is to seize the opportunities for personal and professional growth that the school provides. Approach every new experience with enthusiasm and a desire to learn, and you will be amazed at the doors that will open.

My time so far at the Katz School has been nothing short of life-changing. After I graduate next year, I plan to become a life-sciences consultant, assisting biopharmaceutical companies with the launch of new products. I hadn’t considered this line of work until Professor Friedman impressed upon me the importance of taking risks in pursuing my passion. I now feel confident in the direction my life is taking and I owe much of this to the skills, experiences and relationships I’ve gained at the Katz School.

Sayanto presented his work at the 2023 Katz School Symposium on Science, Technology, and Health

Name: Sayanto Pal

Hometown: Mumbai, India

Program: M.S. in Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship

NYC Neighborhood: Jersey City

Favorite Classes: Biotechnology Management; Pharmacology Product Development and Commercialization; Project Management Intellectual Property; Regulation and Compliance for Biotechnology

Favorite Professors: Robert Friedman, Dr. Natasha Shtraizen, Debra Inger and Erik Dykema

Advice for Incoming Students: Familiarize yourself with your professors and academic advisors for support and guidance. Prevent procrastination by effectively managing your time. Maximize utilizing academic resources at students' fingertips, including career guidance centers. Be more connected to the institution and make new acquaintances by participating in campus clubs and events. Never hesitate to ask if you need any help.

Favorite Spots in NYC: Time Square, Brooklyn Bridge

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: I feel at home at the Katz School because of the kind and supportive atmosphere it offers. If you ever need somebody to cheer you on or join in on an activity, your professors and friends are always there. Most notably, Dr. Khan, Dr. Vigodner and Dr. Natasha were there for me through thick and thin. Whenever there has been a storm, Dean Paul Russo and the rest of Katz have been there to give shelter, much like an umbrella.

Asmit Bazagain
Best NYC Study Spots

Even in New York City's bustling environment, you can find peaceful spots to concentrate and foster innovation. For those seeking an inspiring atmosphere to enhance their learning experience, exploring the city's arts, music, architecture and historical sites can provide a rich source of inspiration.

Stepping outside the confines of my apartment allowed me to immerse myself in the vibrant cultural scene and draw inspiration from the city's diverse offerings. Exploring the city also helped me find some great places to study.

One of the highlights of my time at the Katz School was when I was recognized at a special event honoring the Nepali-American community. With 500 of my countrymen looking on, NYC's Mayor Eric Adams hoisted an eight-foot-tall Nepali flag in Manhattan’s Bowling Green Park, in front of the iconic Charging Bull sculpture on Wall Street near the World Trade Center.

New York State Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar presented me with a First Certificate of Merit for my volunteer efforts with the Minority Empowerment Network, which promotes mental health awareness and economic empowerment of New York City’s South Asian communities. It was quite a moment. because Nepal is a very small country and having our flag fly beside the flag of the United States made me and the Nepali community especially proud.

I chose New York City to further my education because of Yeshiva University's reputation for educational excellence, the abundance of economic opportunity, and because it’s home to 70,000 Nepalese immigrants.

Here are my favorite study spots in New York City:

  1. NYC Public Library at Bryant Park (476 5th Ave at 42nd Street) — My top pick for inspiring study spaces, New York City's flagship public library houses an extensive research collection and offers many public programs and exhibitions.
  2. Central Park's Sheep Meadow (in Central Park between 66th and 69th Streets) — If studying outdoors is your thing, be sure to check out this 15-acre meadow near the southwestern section of Central Park.
  3. Book Club (197 E. 3rd St.) — Great independent bookstore and bar in the East Village.
  4. YU's Heidi Steinberg Library (Beren Campus, 245 Lexington Ave) — Great place for quiet study and research support. You can also reserve private group study rooms.
  5. Housing Works Bookstore Cafe (126 Crosby St.) — An institution in the Soho neighborhood with a cafe and amazing collection of used books,

Name: Asmit Bazagain

Hometown: Bakhtapur, Nepal

NYC Neighborhood: Sunnyside, Queens

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Class: Web Analytics and SEO

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Advice for Incoming Students:

Be ready for new challenges and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Look for the opportunities and build a strong network that will be impactful for the rest of your life. Enjoy New York City as much as you can and explore as much as you can because for some people it is like a dream visiting here. You are living the dream!

For Exploring by Foot: Times Square, Central ParkHunter Point South ParkBryant Park, Park Avenue, Wall Street, 5th Avenue, Woodside and Astoria (Queens), Dumbo (Brooklyn)

For Arts and CultureMuseum of Modern ArtNatural History Museum, St. Patrick's CathedralMadison Square Garden

For Skyline Views: Panorama Room at the Graduate Hotel, 230 Fifth Rooftop Bar 

For a quick biteSweetgreen, Fresh&Co

Sejal Bhutani
Finding Influencer Success

My initial foray into the world of marketing led me to a school that left me feeling unfulfilled. The theories and concepts were there, but the hands-on experience I craved was missing. Determined to find the right fit, I explored various schools and that's when I found the Katz School.

Enrolling at the Katz School was a turning point in my pursuit of becoming a digital influencer. The Katz School's dynamic courses and practical approach not only equipped me with necessary technical skills but also fostered a creative environment that fueled my aspirations. With each class, I could feel myself evolving into a digital marketing maestro. 


I aspire to impact the fashion industry significantly and to work with big brands in New York City. Now that I'm here, my dreams are bigger than ever. The cityscape has became my canvas. From the iconic streets of Times Square to the hidden gems in Brooklyn, every corner of New York City has become a backdrop for my content. Armed with my newfound skills, I've confidently pitched myself to brands I admired. In the heart of New York City, I've found my stage. With each post, video and collaboration, I was not just building a brand, I was becoming one.


Name: Sejal Bhutani

Hometown: Delhi, India

NYC Neighborhood: Queens

Program: Digital Media and Marketing

Favorite Class: Customer Relationship Management

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Favorite Spot in NYC: Little Island

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: East Village

Advice to Incoming Students:

Embrace every opportunity to learn, network and innovate. Be proactive, stay curious and don't hesitate to showcase your unique perspective. Remember, success is not just about grades; it's about the experiences, connections and lessons you gather along the way. Keep pushing boundaries and believe in your journey!

Haoming Guo
Reflecting on My Journey

A Letter of Gratitude to Yeshiva University’s Katz School of Science and Health

I can officially say that I am a graduate of the Katz School of Health and hold an M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media. With my diploma in hand, I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and a flood of memories. This diploma is not merely a testament to my academic achievements; it symbolizes a transformative journey of learning, personal growth and forging lifelong friendships during my time at Yeshiva University, particularly at the Katz School.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Katz School. This wonderful institution has been instrumental in my academic and personal development. It was here that I gained not only a profound understanding of marketing principles but also learned the art of critical thinking and tackling complex challenges. I am thankful to the Katz School staff for their dedication to creating a nurturing and efficient educational environment, which played a crucial role in enhancing our academic and social experiences and made our journey both smooth and enjoyable.

A special acknowledgment is owed to Program Director Joseph Panzarella and to all the Digital Marketing and Media faculty. Joseph Panzarella, your teachings on data-driven decision-making have immensely sharpened my perspective in the marketing arena. Josh Moritz, your expertise and knowledge have been truly inspiring. Thom Kennon, your insights in class continue to influence my approach to marketing. William Wedo, your storytelling techniques were invaluable. Patricia Berry, your guidance and encouragement have been pivotal in fostering my problem-solving skills and independent thinking. Asaf Hochman, your meticulous attention to detail has deepened my understanding of marketing nuances. Each lesson, word of encouragement and challenge presented by you has left an indelible mark on my personal and professional growth.

My journey would not have been the same without my classmates and friends. You have been more than fellow scholars; you have been partners in this extraordinary journey. Together, we navigated the rigors of academia, celebrated our triumphs and built lasting relationships that I will forever cherish. Every corner of the campus and of New York City echoes with memories, each serving as a treasured keepsake in my heart.

As I reflect on my time at the Katz School, I realize that graduation is not an end but the commencement of a new chapter. I step into the future with boundless gratitude for the knowledge, experiences and relationships fostered during my time at Yeshiva University and the Katz School. We are Katz!

Hometown: Hong Kong

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Professors: Joseph Panzarella, Patricia Berry, Thom Kennon, Asaf Hochman

Orly Schejter
Cybersecurity beyond Borders

Growing up in Colombia, I always had a curiosity for the world beyond my own borders. So, when the opportunity arose to study abroad, there was no hesitation. New York City, with its bustling streets and melting pot of cultures, called out to me. It's the capital of diversity, a place where you can meet people from every corner of the globe. Studying in such an environment promised growth, both personally and professionally, and I couldn't resist.

Choosing the Katz School of Science and Health was a no-brainer. The Katz School offers a curriculum tailored to individual needs, with faculty who truly engage with their students. As an international student, feeling connected to my instructors and peers was essential, and the Katz School delivered. Renowned for its excellence, it was the perfect fit for my graduate studies.

In the cybersecurity program, I found a community of like-minded individuals, many of whom, like me, came from abroad. The program's emphasis on real-world applicability and networking events like Cybertech provided invaluable experiences. Each class discussion was enriched by the diverse perspectives we all brought to the table.

If I had to pick a favorite class, it would be Security Architecture with Professor Nicole Becher. Exploring the intricacies of AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud has been both fascinating and eye-opening. Professor Becher's passion for the subject is contagious, making every lecture a stimulating experience.

Outside of academics, I love immersing myself in the vibrant life of New York City. Bryant Park, with its Winter Village, holds a special place in my heart. And who can forget 230 Rooftop, a favorite hangout spot from my undergrad days? There's never a dull moment in this city, and I make sure to savor every opportunity it offers.

My interest in cybersecurity extends beyond the classroom. My research project on IoT highlighted the pressing need for better security measures in an increasingly connected world. As society embraces technologies like Electric Vehicles, the risks of hacking become all too real.

Currently, I'm working as a Finance, Data Analytics, and Accounting Peer Tutor and Teaching Assistant. It's incredibly rewarding to help fellow students navigate these complex subjects and witness their learning journey unfold.

My dream job as a CIA Digital Forensics Engineer aligns perfectly with my passion for safeguarding against cyber threats and contributing to a safer future. In a world where cyber-attacks are a looming threat, I'm determined to play my part in fortifying our defenses. With the skills and knowledge gained from Katz School of Science and Health, I'm ready to tackle the challenges ahead and make a difference in the field of cybersecurity.

Name: Orly Schejter

Hometown: Colombia

Graduate Program: M.S. in Cybersecurity

Favorite Class: Security Architecture

Favorite Professor: Nicole Becher

Favorite Spot in NYC: Bryant Park

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: 230 Rooftop

Advice for Incoming Students: Savor every moment!

Diane Schrenzel
Parisian Flair meets New York Hustle

I'm Diane Schrenzel, originally from Paris, France, now pursuing my M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media at Yeshiva University's Katz School of Science and Health in NYC. Alongside my studies, I lead marketing efforts focusing on web and data analytics for a startup. My journey blends Parisian flair with New York hustle as I navigate the digital realm, crafting strategies for success. 

My journey into marketing began back in high school when I took an online marketing class and found it captivating. After moving to the United States to attend Wellesley College, I delved deeper into business classes at MIT Sloan while pursuing my art history major, another passion of mine. 

Upon graduating in 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself managing an antique store in Midtown Manhattan, leveraging my experience from internships at art auction houses during my undergraduate years. This role solidified my interest in business and marketing, prompting me to pursue my master’s degree at the Katz School of Science and Health. 

New York City's vibrant atmosphere and cultural richness have always drawn me in, reminiscent of the energy I love about Paris. The bustling cityscape, combined with Katz School's diverse student body and esteemed faculty, made it an easy choice for me. 

My favorite spot in the city is Angelina, a French cafe nestled in Bryant Park, where I indulge in their delectable pastries and signature Mont-Blanc. For a dose of culture, I frequent the Metropolitan Museum of Art, reveling in its ever-changing exhibits. 

What I appreciate most about the Katz School is its inclusivity and the wealth of real-world experience offered by the professors. The personalized attention and supportive environment have truly made me feel at home. 

Web analytics, taught by Professor Sivie Naimer, stands out as my favorite class. Her holistic approach to data analysis has equipped me with invaluable skills, which I've already applied in my new role at the startup. Professor Naimer's guidance has been instrumental in navigating the challenges of my current position, highlighting the practicality and relevance of the Katz School's curriculum. 

My journey at the Katz School has been enriching, empowering me to thrive both academically and professionally in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. 

Hometown: Paris, France

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media  

Favorite Class: Web analytics 

Favorite Professor: Sivie Naimer 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Angelina Cafe in Bryant Park  

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: Metropolitan Museum of Art 

Ran Zhong and Chengkun Yao
YU's Chinese-Jewish Conversation

YU’s Chinese-Jewish Conversation (CJC) is a unique program designed to build a cultural bridge between the Chinese and Jewish communities and to provide a welcome space for Chinese students in New York City. The program sponsors periodic comparative seminars by Chinese and Jewish scholars, along with celebrations of significant cultural festivals such as the Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival, and informal gatherings of students, alumni, and professionals to enhance academic and cultural connections. Here’s a retrospective look at one of its most popular annual events—a recent celebration of the Chinese New Year.

This story was originally published on YU News.

Chinese New Year Celebration 2024: Year of the Dragon 

By Ran Zhong and Chengkun Yao

The Chinese-Jewish Conversation (CJC) and the Katz School of Science and Health celebrated the Chinese Year of the Dragon at Beren Campus’ Yagoda Commons.  More than 90 students and faculty came together for a lively evening of cultural exchange and festivities. The event highlighted the shared lunar calendar of the Chinese and Jewish New Year traditions through educational discussions, music, games and an abundance of kosher Chinese cuisine. For Yining Zhang, a Katz student majoring in digital media and marketing, the event marked the first time he celebrated the Spring Festival abroad. He noted that “it was a chance to experience the lively New Year atmosphere with classmates from all over the world—and to learn about the Jewish New Year!"

For Chinese students far from home, the evening was a time to connect with both old and new friends while sharing their traditions with the wider YU community. Known also as the "Spring Festival," the Lunar New Year is the most significant festival in Chinese culture. Culminating in the Lantern Festival, it is traditionally a time when families gather for a week or two.

Ms. Kedi He from Beijing hosted the event and introduced Dr. Mordechai Cohen, the Director of the CJC. Dr. Cohen shared his insights on how the Chinese and Jewish New Year celebrations and calendars compare. He explained that the Jewish New Year, Rosh haShanah, is celebrated on the new moon of the seventh month in the Jewish lunar calendar. In contrast, the Chinese Spring Festival is marked on the second new moon after the winter solstice. Interestingly, this often aligns with the Jewish month of Shevat—specifically, the New Year for Trees, a date based on one interpretation in the Talmud. Another Talmudic view places this celebration at the full moon, or Tu Bi-Shevat (the 15th of Shevat), which coincides with China's Lantern Festival. Dr. Cohen pointed out a fascinating occurrence: these celebrations can align after a Jewish leap year, as they did in 2023, and they will align again in 2025 due to this year being a Jewish leap year. 

After the lecture, an engaging quiz game on Chinese and Jewish New Year traditions captivated the audience, with prizes awarded to the winners. Some of the Chinese participants, including Ms. He, were joined by their parents who traveled from China to New York for the New Year. The visiting family members were delighted to be part of the festivities as well learn about Jewish rituals and culture.

No Chinese celebration is complete without music and song, and the evening was no exception, with attendees enjoying karaoke renditions of many Chinese classics. The audience was particularly moved when Dr. Cohen, accompanied by his son Elisha (YUHSB '24), performed a beloved traditional Chinese song, “The Moon Represents My Heart.” The Chinese students felt as though they were back in their hometowns, with many commenting on how the magic of music bridged the gap between Chinese and Jewish cultures. Elisha, who is a member of the Miami Boys Choir, also shared Hebrew songs, adding a beautiful note of cultural harmony to the evening.

The festivities featured a variety of Chinese games, including "lucky draw" and a "chopsticks ping-pong ball" competition. With the latter, the Chinese students were pleasantly surprised to be outperformed by some of the Stern College students. The winners received traditional "Red Packets" with a gift card.

The colorful evening proved a memorable experience for all who attended.  For Stern College student, Breindy Berger, the Chinese New Year celebration was truly meaningful.  “I found the quiz fascinating and the ping-pong game a lot of fun!" Chaya Goldberger, her classmate, added, "I learned how to say 'Happy New Year' in Chinese from my new friend, Xinyue Huang! It was such a fantastic event.” Wei Luo, a Digital Arts and Visualization major at the Katz School, expressed a heartfelt thank you to the CJC team of Yeshiva University and Dr. Cohen for organizing the New Year celebration. “It allowed us Chinese students studying abroad to feel the festival's warmth and blessings!"

Yining Zhang
Dreaming Big in NYC

Hey there! I’m Yining from the beautiful Yunnan Province in China. I took the leap to study abroad because I was super curious about exploring different cultures and diving into new experiences. 

Why Yeshiva University’s Katz School? It’s simple—this place has a stellar biotech program, a super diverse group of classmates, and it's in New York City! If you're even a bit interested, my advice? Just go for it! 

My favorite class has got to be Biotechnology Management. It’s not every day you get to learn directly from folks who are rocking it in the biotech world. We’ve had a bunch of guest lecturers share the ins and outs of the industry, and it’s been nothing short of inspiring. I was also taken by surprise at how much I enjoyed Finance for Startups and Entrepreneurial Ventures. Finance isn’t really my jam, but this course opened my eyes to the nuts and bolts of financial planning—crucial info for anyone looking to commercialize new tech. 

One of the coolest parts of my journey here has been joining professor Ran Drori’s biochemistry lab as a research assistant. We’re exploring antifreeze proteins and their potential to stop ice from forming at low temps—which holds potential for revolutionizing food preservation. This is the kind of hands-on experience that’s gearing me up for my dream—pursuing a PhD. 

Living in NYC is as great as it sounds. Walking by the Empire State Building daily never gets old. The lights, the buzz—it’s magical. And yeah, the city’s expensive, but trust me, it’s totally manageable with a bit of savvy budgeting. 

My advice for new students? Stay curious and find your passion. Dive into group projects, network through professional events, and get real experience in labs. These are your golden tickets to wherever you want to go next. So, to all the future students out there—dream big, get involved, and embrace your adventure here. You’ve got this!



技术管理与创业硕士,2025届 - 耶史瓦大学科学与健康卡茨学院 



在卡茨学院,最幸运的事情应该是加入了Ran Drori教授的生物化学实验室,成功的成为一名研究助理。目前,我们正在研究抗冻蛋白及其在低温下阻止冰形成的潜力,也许不久的将来可能会成为下一个创新的食品保存技术!通过这段实验室经历,也让我坚定了下一步攻读博士学位的决心。 



Name: Yining Zhang 

Hometown: Yunnan Province, China 

Program: Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship

Favorite Class: Biotech Management 

Favorite Professor: Ran Drori 

Advice for Incoming Students: Dream big, get involved and embrace your adventure! 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Empire State Building

Elton Muchenje
Global Citizen

From the bustling streets of Harare, Zimbabwe to the towering skyscrapers of New York City, my journey has been one of relentless ambition and transformative discovery. Growing up in Zimbabwe, a country rich in culture and resilience, I embarked on a career in banking, starting humbly as a teller and rising through the ranks to become a chief teller. Each step was fueled by a passion for learning and a desire to make a significant impact. My story is also one of adaptation and growth, from mastering the intricacies of financial management to diving into the dynamic world of digital marketing, driven by a vision to harness the power of innovation to create meaningful change. 

Today, I am immersed in the world of digital marketing and media at Katz School of Science and Health. My inspiration to pursue my master's in digital media came from observing my former employer's transformation into a digital bank in Zimbabwe. Witnessing this evolution ignited my curiosity about how digital innovations can reshape industries globally. 

Choosing the Katz School was a natural fit for me. Its diverse culture, which I discovered while browsing the school's website, and its prime location in the heart of New York City—a place I've always dreamed of living—made it feel surreal. 

In addition to my studies, I serve as a brand ambassador at MPOWER Financing, where I guide international students in choosing their programs and schools, helping them secure funding for their education. By combining my financial sector experience with my growing knowledge in digital marketing and media, I aim to offer invaluable support to students navigating their academic journeys. 

My favorite class is Consumer Behavior. Coming from a finance background, I lacked knowledge about utilizing consumer behavior in developing marketing strategies. This class has been enlightening, and our professor, Sivia Naimer, is incredibly engaging, friendly, and caring, making the learning experience even more enjoyable. 

My favorite spots in NYC are the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island because they represent so much of what makes New York City special to me—freedom, opportunity, and a rich, diverse history. Coming from Harare, I see parallels between these landmarks and the stories of people in my homeland striving for better lives and new beginnings. 

On the other hand, Central Park feels like home. It's my go-to place to escape the hustle and bustle, unwind, and enjoy some peace and tranquility. There's something about the natural beauty and open spaces that makes me feel grounded and connected to the city's energy in a way that's comforting and familiar. 

My advice for incoming students is to embrace the rich tapestry of cultural diversity you'll encounter—it's one of the greatest assets you'll experience. Stay ahead academically by being proactive and disciplined in your studies, ensuring you build a solid foundation for your future. Managing your finances wisely is crucial; develop a budget and stick to it to avoid unnecessary stress. Surround yourself with a strong support network of friends, mentors, and advisors who will uplift and guide you. Prioritize your physical and mental health, as they are vital to your overall success and well-being. Take the time to explore and enjoy your new environment, as it will broaden your horizons and enrich your experience. Lastly, maintain a positive and resilient attitude, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and development. With these principles, you'll not only survive but thrive in this new chapter of your life. 

Embarking on the journey to America is both exciting and challenging. As someone who has made this journey, I would like to share some tips to help you prepare and succeed:

— Research and Plan Ahead: Familiarize yourself with the visa process, university requirements, and the city you’ll be living in. Proper planning will help you avoid last-minute surprises. 

Cultural Adaptation: Embrace the cultural diversity and be open to learning. Engage with different cultures to enrich your experience and broaden your perspective.

— Academic Preparedness: Stay ahead in your studies by understanding the academic expectations and resources available. Make use of study groups, tutoring services, and office hours to excel in your coursework.

— Financial Management: Budget wisely. Understand the cost of living in your new city and manage your finances to avoid unnecessary stress. Look for part-time job opportunities that align with your visa regulations. As a brand ambassador at MPOWER Financing, I can assist you with financial advice and resources tailored to international students.

Build a Support Network: Connect with fellow students, join international student organizations, and participate in campus activities. Having a support network will make your transition smoother and your experience more enjoyable.

— Stay Healthy: Take care of your physical and mental health. Utilize university health services and maintain a balanced lifestyle to ensure you can perform your best academically and socially.

— Explore and Enjoy: Take time to explore your new environment and enjoy the unique experiences it offers. Visit local attractions, try new foods, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

— Stay Positive and Resilient: There will be challenges along the way but stay positive and resilient. Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn and grow. America is a land of opportunities, and with determination and preparation, you can achieve your dreams. Good luck on your journey!

Name: Elton Muchenje

Hometown: Harare, Zimbabwe 

NYC Neighborhood: Staten Island 

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media 

Favorite Class: Consumer Behavior

Favorite Professor: Sivia Naimer 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Statue of Liberty and Ellis İsland 

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: Central Park

Yulia Bakhitova
Discovering the Magic of Central Park

I used to live in Siberia, where winter days were dark and temperatures often plummeted to a bone-chilling 36 degrees below zero. Amid those harsh conditions, I found an unexpected source of solace in a simple image of Central Park, which I kept as my desktop screensaver. This serene picture served as a daily escape from the bitter cold, and it kindled a dream within me. I yearned to live near Central Park and pursue my graduate degree. Little did I know that this dream would eventually materialize.

Last year, I was admitted to the Katz School of Science and Health, which gave me the opportunity to move to New York City and make that dream a reality. Central Park, once a distant daydream, now stands as a vivid symbol of perseverance and a powerful reminder of the tangible strength of our dreams.

Every Sunday, I head to Central Park with my best friend to take in its beauty, enjoy a picnic, and soak up the atmosphere. Central Park, to me, has become more than just a scenic escape; it's a testament to the power of belief. It proves that dreams, no matter how big or seemingly impossible, can come true for those who refuse to give up.

Here are a few of my favorite spots in Central Park: 

- Sheep’s Meadow: It's a wide-open field with a view of skyscrapers, perfect for picnics or playing frisbee with friends.

- Bethesda Fountain and Terrace: This historic structure is one of the first built in the park. I love walking here, admiring the architecture and listening to street musicians. Fun fact: you can see Bethesda Fountain featured in movies like Home Alone 2 and John Wick 2.

- View from Top of the RockI highly recommend visiting this spot at least once for an unbeatable rooftop view of New York City. This is the spot that reminds me most of the picture I had on my desktop in Siberia, and seeing it in person was when it really hit me that my once-impossible dream had come true. 

- Bow Bridge: One of the most iconic features of Central Park, this bridge is a romantic and frequently photographed spot with a view of the lake.

- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir: Also known as Central Park Reservoir, it covers a significant portion of the park's surface and offers runners one of the best views of the city skyline.

Central Park isn't just a fair-weather friend. It boasts year-round attractions: cherry blossoms in the spring (between 72nd and 96th streets), ice-skating rinks in winter and biking in the summer.

To truly unlock the magic of Central Park and, indeed, New York City, there's no better way than strolling its paths. On foot, you can discover your own personal power place, a spot that will pull you back time and time again. For me, that power spot is Central Park. It isn't just a destination; it's an embodiment of dreams, an emblem of hope and a sanctuary for all New Yorkers, wherever we are from.

Name: Yulia Bakhitova

Hometown: Moscow, Russia

NYC Neighborhood: Astoria, Queens

Program: Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Class: Consumer Behavior CRM

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Advice for Incoming Students: Always recall why you've taken this path. Be responsible, because your actions shape your future. Use not only AI but also your intellect!

Favorite Spot in NYC: Tiffany & Co.

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: Central Park

Sayanto Pal
Biotech in the City that Never Sleeps

As an international student from Mumbai, India, I relocated to New York City for graduate studies because of the boundless opportunities it offers. New York and Mumbai are cities that never sleep, with nonstop access to lights, people and food.

I came to New York wanting a unique experience that combined biotechnology and entrepreneurship, which is exactly why I chose the M.S. in Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship at the Katz School. The curriculum integrates real-world projects, providing an important platform for learning and the chance to make mistakes without fear of failure. From the very beginning, I have had access to professors who deeply understand both biotechnology and entrepreneurship, offering invaluable insights that are already giving shape to my professional career.

Professor Robert Friedman has been especially helpful, providing career advice and facilitating an interview for a summer internship, and Dr. Rana Khan and Natasha Shtraizent went above and beyond in their efforts to connect me with potential internship opportunities at Yeshiva University and the startup FREEZENT Biological Solutions, respectively. Their willingness to lend their time and expertise to support my career aspirations is a testament to the dedication of the faculty.

In addition to my studies, I’m a research assistant under Dr. Margarita Vigodner, professor of biology at YU’s Stern College for Women, studying the effect of SUMOylation on the germ cells of mice and how it affects the growth and development of mouse sperm cells. In her lab, we use ginkgolic acid and siRNA to inhibit SUMOylation. This helps us to validate some of the identified targets, which play an important role in spermatogenesis, as well as glean insights into how SUMO controls mechanisms in germ cells. We used gel-electrophoresis and western blotting techniques to observe the results of the inhibition of SUMOylation on the targeted proteins. Not only have I received academic credit for my work with Dr. Vigodner, but I’ve also profited just from working beside an experienced and well-respected researcher.

Outside the lab, I serve as vice president of the Katz School Graduate Student Association (GSA). In this role, I’m able to enhance the campus experience for my peers and contribute to a vibrant Katz School culture. Last fall, the GSA organized three events aimed at facilitating meaningful connections between students, strengthening their networks, and increasing the size of their social circle. These events provided a much-needed opportunity for students to unwind and de-stress.

Personally, one of the unexpected joys of attending the Katz School is being exposed to New York City’s rich cultural heritage and iconic attractions. So far, I’ve visited Times Square, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park and St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and there are several more destinations on my bucket list that I plan to visit before I graduate.

My advice to incoming Katz School students is to seize the opportunities for personal and professional growth that the school provides. Approach every new experience with enthusiasm and a desire to learn, and you will be amazed at the doors that will open.

My time so far at the Katz School has been nothing short of life-changing. After I graduate next year, I plan to become a life-sciences consultant, assisting biopharmaceutical companies with the launch of new products. I hadn’t considered this line of work until Professor Friedman impressed upon me the importance of taking risks in pursuing my passion. I now feel confident in the direction my life is taking and I owe much of this to the skills, experiences and relationships I’ve gained at the Katz School.

Sayanto presented his work at the 2023 Katz School Symposium on Science, Technology, and Health

Name: Sayanto Pal

Hometown: Mumbai, India

Program: M.S. in Biotechnology Management and Entrepreneurship

NYC Neighborhood: Jersey City

Favorite Classes: Biotechnology Management; Pharmacology Product Development and Commercialization; Project Management Intellectual Property; Regulation and Compliance for Biotechnology

Favorite Professors: Robert Friedman, Dr. Natasha Shtraizen, Debra Inger and Erik Dykema

Advice for Incoming Students: Familiarize yourself with your professors and academic advisors for support and guidance. Prevent procrastination by effectively managing your time. Maximize utilizing academic resources at students' fingertips, including career guidance centers. Be more connected to the institution and make new acquaintances by participating in campus clubs and events. Never hesitate to ask if you need any help.

Favorite Spots in NYC: Time Square, Brooklyn Bridge

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: I feel at home at the Katz School because of the kind and supportive atmosphere it offers. If you ever need somebody to cheer you on or join in on an activity, your professors and friends are always there. Most notably, Dr. Khan, Dr. Vigodner and Dr. Natasha were there for me through thick and thin. Whenever there has been a storm, Dean Paul Russo and the rest of Katz have been there to give shelter, much like an umbrella.

Asmit Bazagain
Best NYC Study Spots

Even in New York City's bustling environment, you can find peaceful spots to concentrate and foster innovation. For those seeking an inspiring atmosphere to enhance their learning experience, exploring the city's arts, music, architecture and historical sites can provide a rich source of inspiration.

Stepping outside the confines of my apartment allowed me to immerse myself in the vibrant cultural scene and draw inspiration from the city's diverse offerings. Exploring the city also helped me find some great places to study.

One of the highlights of my time at the Katz School was when I was recognized at a special event honoring the Nepali-American community. With 500 of my countrymen looking on, NYC's Mayor Eric Adams hoisted an eight-foot-tall Nepali flag in Manhattan’s Bowling Green Park, in front of the iconic Charging Bull sculpture on Wall Street near the World Trade Center.

New York State Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar presented me with a First Certificate of Merit for my volunteer efforts with the Minority Empowerment Network, which promotes mental health awareness and economic empowerment of New York City’s South Asian communities. It was quite a moment. because Nepal is a very small country and having our flag fly beside the flag of the United States made me and the Nepali community especially proud.

I chose New York City to further my education because of Yeshiva University's reputation for educational excellence, the abundance of economic opportunity, and because it’s home to 70,000 Nepalese immigrants.

Here are my favorite study spots in New York City:

  1. NYC Public Library at Bryant Park (476 5th Ave at 42nd Street) — My top pick for inspiring study spaces, New York City's flagship public library houses an extensive research collection and offers many public programs and exhibitions.
  2. Central Park's Sheep Meadow (in Central Park between 66th and 69th Streets) — If studying outdoors is your thing, be sure to check out this 15-acre meadow near the southwestern section of Central Park.
  3. Book Club (197 E. 3rd St.) — Great independent bookstore and bar in the East Village.
  4. YU's Heidi Steinberg Library (Beren Campus, 245 Lexington Ave) — Great place for quiet study and research support. You can also reserve private group study rooms.
  5. Housing Works Bookstore Cafe (126 Crosby St.) — An institution in the Soho neighborhood with a cafe and amazing collection of used books,

Name: Asmit Bazagain

Hometown: Bakhtapur, Nepal

NYC Neighborhood: Sunnyside, Queens

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Class: Web Analytics and SEO

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Advice for Incoming Students:

Be ready for new challenges and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Look for the opportunities and build a strong network that will be impactful for the rest of your life. Enjoy New York City as much as you can and explore as much as you can because for some people it is like a dream visiting here. You are living the dream!

For Exploring by Foot: Times Square, Central ParkHunter Point South ParkBryant Park, Park Avenue, Wall Street, 5th Avenue, Woodside and Astoria (Queens), Dumbo (Brooklyn)

For Arts and CultureMuseum of Modern ArtNatural History Museum, St. Patrick's CathedralMadison Square Garden

For Skyline Views: Panorama Room at the Graduate Hotel, 230 Fifth Rooftop Bar 

For a quick biteSweetgreen, Fresh&Co

Sejal Bhutani
Finding Influencer Success

My initial foray into the world of marketing led me to a school that left me feeling unfulfilled. The theories and concepts were there, but the hands-on experience I craved was missing. Determined to find the right fit, I explored various schools and that's when I found the Katz School.

Enrolling at the Katz School was a turning point in my pursuit of becoming a digital influencer. The Katz School's dynamic courses and practical approach not only equipped me with necessary technical skills but also fostered a creative environment that fueled my aspirations. With each class, I could feel myself evolving into a digital marketing maestro. 


I aspire to impact the fashion industry significantly and to work with big brands in New York City. Now that I'm here, my dreams are bigger than ever. The cityscape has became my canvas. From the iconic streets of Times Square to the hidden gems in Brooklyn, every corner of New York City has become a backdrop for my content. Armed with my newfound skills, I've confidently pitched myself to brands I admired. In the heart of New York City, I've found my stage. With each post, video and collaboration, I was not just building a brand, I was becoming one.


Name: Sejal Bhutani

Hometown: Delhi, India

NYC Neighborhood: Queens

Program: Digital Media and Marketing

Favorite Class: Customer Relationship Management

Favorite Professor: Joseph Panzarella

Favorite Spot in NYC: Little Island

NYC Spot that Feels Most Like Home: East Village

Advice to Incoming Students:

Embrace every opportunity to learn, network and innovate. Be proactive, stay curious and don't hesitate to showcase your unique perspective. Remember, success is not just about grades; it's about the experiences, connections and lessons you gather along the way. Keep pushing boundaries and believe in your journey!

Haoming Guo
Reflecting on My Journey

A Letter of Gratitude to Yeshiva University’s Katz School of Science and Health

I can officially say that I am a graduate of the Katz School of Health and hold an M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media. With my diploma in hand, I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and a flood of memories. This diploma is not merely a testament to my academic achievements; it symbolizes a transformative journey of learning, personal growth and forging lifelong friendships during my time at Yeshiva University, particularly at the Katz School.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Katz School. This wonderful institution has been instrumental in my academic and personal development. It was here that I gained not only a profound understanding of marketing principles but also learned the art of critical thinking and tackling complex challenges. I am thankful to the Katz School staff for their dedication to creating a nurturing and efficient educational environment, which played a crucial role in enhancing our academic and social experiences and made our journey both smooth and enjoyable.

A special acknowledgment is owed to Program Director Joseph Panzarella and to all the Digital Marketing and Media faculty. Joseph Panzarella, your teachings on data-driven decision-making have immensely sharpened my perspective in the marketing arena. Josh Moritz, your expertise and knowledge have been truly inspiring. Thom Kennon, your insights in class continue to influence my approach to marketing. William Wedo, your storytelling techniques were invaluable. Patricia Berry, your guidance and encouragement have been pivotal in fostering my problem-solving skills and independent thinking. Asaf Hochman, your meticulous attention to detail has deepened my understanding of marketing nuances. Each lesson, word of encouragement and challenge presented by you has left an indelible mark on my personal and professional growth.

My journey would not have been the same without my classmates and friends. You have been more than fellow scholars; you have been partners in this extraordinary journey. Together, we navigated the rigors of academia, celebrated our triumphs and built lasting relationships that I will forever cherish. Every corner of the campus and of New York City echoes with memories, each serving as a treasured keepsake in my heart.

As I reflect on my time at the Katz School, I realize that graduation is not an end but the commencement of a new chapter. I step into the future with boundless gratitude for the knowledge, experiences and relationships fostered during my time at Yeshiva University and the Katz School. We are Katz!

Hometown: Hong Kong

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media

Favorite Professors: Joseph Panzarella, Patricia Berry, Thom Kennon, Asaf Hochman

Orly Schejter
Cybersecurity beyond Borders

Growing up in Colombia, I always had a curiosity for the world beyond my own borders. So, when the opportunity arose to study abroad, there was no hesitation. New York City, with its bustling streets and melting pot of cultures, called out to me. It's the capital of diversity, a place where you can meet people from every corner of the globe. Studying in such an environment promised growth, both personally and professionally, and I couldn't resist.

Choosing the Katz School of Science and Health was a no-brainer. The Katz School offers a curriculum tailored to individual needs, with faculty who truly engage with their students. As an international student, feeling connected to my instructors and peers was essential, and the Katz School delivered. Renowned for its excellence, it was the perfect fit for my graduate studies.

In the cybersecurity program, I found a community of like-minded individuals, many of whom, like me, came from abroad. The program's emphasis on real-world applicability and networking events like Cybertech provided invaluable experiences. Each class discussion was enriched by the diverse perspectives we all brought to the table.

If I had to pick a favorite class, it would be Security Architecture with Professor Nicole Becher. Exploring the intricacies of AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud has been both fascinating and eye-opening. Professor Becher's passion for the subject is contagious, making every lecture a stimulating experience.

Outside of academics, I love immersing myself in the vibrant life of New York City. Bryant Park, with its Winter Village, holds a special place in my heart. And who can forget 230 Rooftop, a favorite hangout spot from my undergrad days? There's never a dull moment in this city, and I make sure to savor every opportunity it offers.

My interest in cybersecurity extends beyond the classroom. My research project on IoT highlighted the pressing need for better security measures in an increasingly connected world. As society embraces technologies like Electric Vehicles, the risks of hacking become all too real.

Currently, I'm working as a Finance, Data Analytics, and Accounting Peer Tutor and Teaching Assistant. It's incredibly rewarding to help fellow students navigate these complex subjects and witness their learning journey unfold.

My dream job as a CIA Digital Forensics Engineer aligns perfectly with my passion for safeguarding against cyber threats and contributing to a safer future. In a world where cyber-attacks are a looming threat, I'm determined to play my part in fortifying our defenses. With the skills and knowledge gained from Katz School of Science and Health, I'm ready to tackle the challenges ahead and make a difference in the field of cybersecurity.

Name: Orly Schejter

Hometown: Colombia

Graduate Program: M.S. in Cybersecurity

Favorite Class: Security Architecture

Favorite Professor: Nicole Becher

Favorite Spot in NYC: Bryant Park

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: 230 Rooftop

Advice for Incoming Students: Savor every moment!

Diane Schrenzel
Parisian Flair meets New York Hustle

I'm Diane Schrenzel, originally from Paris, France, now pursuing my M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media at Yeshiva University's Katz School of Science and Health in NYC. Alongside my studies, I lead marketing efforts focusing on web and data analytics for a startup. My journey blends Parisian flair with New York hustle as I navigate the digital realm, crafting strategies for success. 

My journey into marketing began back in high school when I took an online marketing class and found it captivating. After moving to the United States to attend Wellesley College, I delved deeper into business classes at MIT Sloan while pursuing my art history major, another passion of mine. 

Upon graduating in 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself managing an antique store in Midtown Manhattan, leveraging my experience from internships at art auction houses during my undergraduate years. This role solidified my interest in business and marketing, prompting me to pursue my master’s degree at the Katz School of Science and Health. 

New York City's vibrant atmosphere and cultural richness have always drawn me in, reminiscent of the energy I love about Paris. The bustling cityscape, combined with Katz School's diverse student body and esteemed faculty, made it an easy choice for me. 

My favorite spot in the city is Angelina, a French cafe nestled in Bryant Park, where I indulge in their delectable pastries and signature Mont-Blanc. For a dose of culture, I frequent the Metropolitan Museum of Art, reveling in its ever-changing exhibits. 

What I appreciate most about the Katz School is its inclusivity and the wealth of real-world experience offered by the professors. The personalized attention and supportive environment have truly made me feel at home. 

Web analytics, taught by Professor Sivie Naimer, stands out as my favorite class. Her holistic approach to data analysis has equipped me with invaluable skills, which I've already applied in my new role at the startup. Professor Naimer's guidance has been instrumental in navigating the challenges of my current position, highlighting the practicality and relevance of the Katz School's curriculum. 

My journey at the Katz School has been enriching, empowering me to thrive both academically and professionally in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. 

Hometown: Paris, France

Program: M.S. in Digital Marketing and Media  

Favorite Class: Web analytics 

Favorite Professor: Sivie Naimer 

Favorite Spot in NYC: Angelina Cafe in Bryant Park  

NYC Spot That Feels Most Like Home: Metropolitan Museum of Art 

Ran Zhong and Chengkun Yao
YU's Chinese-Jewish Conversation

YU’s Chinese-Jewish Conversation (CJC) is a unique program designed to build a cultural bridge between the Chinese and Jewish communities and to provide a welcome space for Chinese students in New York City. The program sponsors periodic comparative seminars by Chinese and Jewish scholars, along with celebrations of significant cultural festivals such as the Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival, and informal gatherings of students, alumni, and professionals to enhance academic and cultural connections. Here’s a retrospective look at one of its most popular annual events—a recent celebration of the Chinese New Year.

This story was originally published on YU News.

Chinese New Year Celebration 2024: Year of the Dragon 

By Ran Zhong and Chengkun Yao

The Chinese-Jewish Conversation (CJC) and the Katz School of Science and Health celebrated the Chinese Year of the Dragon at Beren Campus’ Yagoda Commons.  More than 90 students and faculty came together for a lively evening of cultural exchange and festivities. The event highlighted the shared lunar calendar of the Chinese and Jewish New Year traditions through educational discussions, music, games and an abundance of kosher Chinese cuisine. For Yining Zhang, a Katz student majoring in digital media and marketing, the event marked the first time he celebrated the Spring Festival abroad. He noted that “it was a chance to experience the lively New Year atmosphere with classmates from all over the world—and to learn about the Jewish New Year!"

For Chinese students far from home, the evening was a time to connect with both old and new friends while sharing their traditions with the wider YU community. Known also as the "Spring Festival," the Lunar New Year is the most significant festival in Chinese culture. Culminating in the Lantern Festival, it is traditionally a time when families gather for a week or two.

Ms. Kedi He from Beijing hosted the event and introduced Dr. Mordechai Cohen, the Director of the CJC. Dr. Cohen shared his insights on how the Chinese and Jewish New Year celebrations and calendars compare. He explained that the Jewish New Year, Rosh haShanah, is celebrated on the new moon of the seventh month in the Jewish lunar calendar. In contrast, the Chinese Spring Festival is marked on the second new moon after the winter solstice. Interestingly, this often aligns with the Jewish month of Shevat—specifically, the New Year for Trees, a date based on one interpretation in the Talmud. Another Talmudic view places this celebration at the full moon, or Tu Bi-Shevat (the 15th of Shevat), which coincides with China's Lantern Festival. Dr. Cohen pointed out a fascinating occurrence: these celebrations can align after a Jewish leap year, as they did in 2023, and they will align again in 2025 due to this year being a Jewish leap year. 

After the lecture, an engaging quiz game on Chinese and Jewish New Year traditions captivated the audience, with prizes awarded to the winners. Some of the Chinese participants, including Ms. He, were joined by their parents who traveled from China to New York for the New Year. The visiting family members were delighted to be part of the festivities as well learn about Jewish rituals and culture.

No Chinese celebration is complete without music and song, and the evening was no exception, with attendees enjoying karaoke renditions of many Chinese classics. The audience was particularly moved when Dr. Cohen, accompanied by his son Elisha (YUHSB '24), performed a beloved traditional Chinese song, “The Moon Represents My Heart.” The Chinese students felt as though they were back in their hometowns, with many commenting on how the magic of music bridged the gap between Chinese and Jewish cultures. Elisha, who is a member of the Miami Boys Choir, also shared Hebrew songs, adding a beautiful note of cultural harmony to the evening.

The festivities featured a variety of Chinese games, including "lucky draw" and a "chopsticks ping-pong ball" competition. With the latter, the Chinese students were pleasantly surprised to be outperformed by some of the Stern College students. The winners received traditional "Red Packets" with a gift card.

The colorful evening proved a memorable experience for all who attended.  For Stern College student, Breindy Berger, the Chinese New Year celebration was truly meaningful.  “I found the quiz fascinating and the ping-pong game a lot of fun!" Chaya Goldberger, her classmate, added, "I learned how to say 'Happy New Year' in Chinese from my new friend, Xinyue Huang! It was such a fantastic event.” Wei Luo, a Digital Arts and Visualization major at the Katz School, expressed a heartfelt thank you to the CJC team of Yeshiva University and Dr. Cohen for organizing the New Year celebration. “It allowed us Chinese students studying abroad to feel the festival's warmth and blessings!"

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