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Faculty Publications


Otherworldly and Eschatological Priesthood in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Studies in the Texts of the Desert of Judah 86; Leiden: Brill, 2010)

Otherworldly and Eschatological Priesthood in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Angel, Joseph
Studies in the Texts of the Desert of Judah 86; Leiden: Brill, 2010

Knowledge of God and the Development of Early Kabbalah

Knowledge of God and the Development of Early Kabbalah
Dauber, Jonathan
Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2012

Jewish Religious Architecture: From Biblical Israel to Modern Judaism

Jewish Religious Architecture: From Biblical Israel to Modern Judaism
Fine, Steven
Boston, Massachusetts: E. J. Brill, 2019

Parkchester: A Bronx Tale of Race and Ethnicity

Parkchester: A Bronx Tale of Race and Ethnicity
Gurock, Jeffrey
New York: New York University Press, 2019

Rabbis and Classical Rhetoric: Sophistic Education and Oratory in the Talmud and Midrash

Rabbis and Classical Rhetoric: Sophistic Education and Oratory in the Talmud and Midrash
Hidary, Richard
First edition
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017

Praying Legally

Praying Legally
Holtz, Shalom
Rhode Island: Brown Judaic Studies, 2019

Brothers from Afar: Rabbinic Approaches to Apostatsy and Reversion in Medieval Europe

Brothers from Afar: Rabbinic Approaches to Apostatsy and Reversion in Medieval Europe
Kanarfogel, Ephraim
Wayne State University Press, 2020

Unbinding Isaac: The Akedah in Jewish Thought

Unbinding Isaac: The Akedah in Jewish Thought
Koller, Aaron
JPS/University of Nebraska Press, 2020

Creation, Covenant, and the Beginnings of Judaism: Reconceiving Historical Time in the Second Temple Period

Jewish Culture: A Quick Immersion
Olson, Jess
Tibidabo Publishing Inc, 2019

Narratives from the Sephardic Atlantic: Blood and Faith.

Narratives from the Sephardic Atlantic: Blood and Faith
Perelis, Ronnie
Indiana University Press, 2016

Nietzsche, Soloveitchik, and Contemporary Jewish Philosophy

Nietzsche, Soloveitchik, and Contemporary Jewish Philosophy
Rynhold, Daniel; Harris Michael J. 
Cambridge University Press, 2018

The Polish Underground and the Jews, 1939-1945

The Polish Underground and the Jews, 1939-1945
Zimmerman, Joshua
Cambridge University Press, 2017

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