Dr. Matthew Incantalupo Wins Awards for Papers on Racial Discrimination and LGBTQ Rights
Oct 28, 2022 By: yunews
Dr. Matthew Incantalupo
Dr. Matthew Incantalupo, assistant professor of political science at Yeshiva University, was awarded the Academy of Management Public and Nonprofit Division 2022 Best Paper Award for his paper “Racial Discrimination and Street-Level Managers: Performance, Publicness, and Group Bias.”
The paper, which was published in Public Administration Review and co-written by Dr. Zachary Oberfield, professor and chair of political science at Haverford College, “broadens our understanding of street-level governance by examining how citizen performance, organizational publicness, and group bias moderate racial discrimination among street-level managers (SLMs),” according to the abstract. “We examine this topic with an experiment in which we requested enrollment information from public and charter school principals while randomly assigning a putative student's race and ability. As expected, SLMs discriminated based on race, and positive performance information mitigated this discrimination. Surprisingly, negative performance information also reduced discrimination. Turning to publicness, we find no evidence that less public organizations (charter schools) exacerbated anti-Black discrimination. Finally, we show that White SLMs discriminated against Black citizens. However, Black SLMs worked in more administratively difficult settings and, perhaps as a result, responded at lower rates; thus, Black citizens were equally likely to receive responses from White and Black SLMs. Therefore, improving access to public agencies may require representativeness and support for SLMs working in challenging organizational environments.”
Dr. Incantalupo was also just conferred the 2021 APSA LGBTQ Caucus Bailey Award for his paper, “Elite Mobilization: A Theory Explaining Opposition to Gay Rights,” The paper was derived from his book Elite-Led Mobilization and Gay Rights: Dispelling the Myth of Mass Opinion Backlash. Published by University of Michigan Press, the book and paper were co-written by Benjamin G. Bishin (University of California, Riverside), Thomas J. Hayes (University of Connecticut) and Charles Anthony Smith (University of California, Irvine).
To read “Racial Discrimination and Street-Level Managers: Performance, Publicness, and Group Bias,” click here.
Matthew Incantalupo is an assistant professor of political science at Yeshiva University. His research interests include political behavior, inequality and experimental methods. He is a coauthor of Elite-led Mobilization and Gay Rights: Dispelling the Myth of Mass Opinion Backlash (University of Michigan Press).