Jul 31, 2014 By: admin
Bruno Galantucci and Gareth Roberts, associate professor of psychology and research fellow in psychology at Yeshiva University respectively, have published an article in PLOS ONE, an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes primary research in a number of scientific disciplines. Titled "Do We Notice When Communication Goes Awry? An Investigation of People's Sensitivity to Coherence in Spontaneous Conversation," the article challenges current assumptions that the main purpose of human communication is the faithful transmission of information. Galantucci and Roberts discuss the findings of a study they conducted in which paired participants communicating online didn't notice when portions of their conversation were randomly crossed with portions of a different conversation being had by other participants. They conclude that miscommunication probably happens more regularly - and goes undetected more often - than is usually thought, and that the transmission of information may not be the primary function that interpersonal communication serves.