Feb 2, 2018 By: gewirtz
"?ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי" (Avot 1:14) "and if not now, when?" February is North American Inclusion Month (NAIM), a time to take a moment, look around you and celebrate what makes each one of us unique and special. It is a time to make an effort to include someone who may seem different or is alone. On Thursday, February 1st, Central kicked off inclusion month with an assembly led by seniors Shira Friedmanand Avigail Winokur and junior Etty Weschler. Using inspirational videos and an activity, they had their fellow students to take a moment to celebrate what makes them each special, but different. Students also brainstormed as to how they can make Central more inclusive. Additionally, the Central NAIM team introduced some of the months events which include: a "Wonder" movie night, Yachad mission, carnival at Ivdu, an inclusion tip of the week, and sensitivity training workshops. Avigail concluded the assembly with the message that, "Our differences unite us and make us each interesting and unique."