Upcoming Event: A Prayer From the Depths and the Depths of a Prayer: Jonah’s Quest for Eden and the 70 Faces of the Bible
Sep 8, 2016 By: mlebovic
Sponsored parking is available in the YU lot (E)
on Amsterdam Avenue and 183rd Street.
The Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies
invites you to a lecture:
A Prayer From the Depths and the Depths of a Prayer:
Jonah’s Quest for Eden and the 70 Faces of the Bible
By Dr. Yitzhak Berger
Newly discovered intertextual
relationships continue to reveal
hidden layers of meaning in
biblical texts. Allusions in Jonah
to Eden-related material provide
fascinating insight into the
theological message of the book
and the compositional methods
employed to generate multiplicity
of meaning.
Dr. Yitzhak Berger is Professor
and Head of the Hebrew
Division at Hunter College of
the City University of New York,
and author most recently of
Jonah in the Shadows of Eden
(Indiana University Press).