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On Shavuot, Rejoicing in a Shared Passion for Torah

Yeshiva University Students Enhance Holiday Celebrations in Communities Across North America This Shavuot, more than 85 Yeshiva University students traveled to 17 communities across the United States and Canada to share their love of Torah and enliven holiday celebrations as part of the Aaron and Blanche Schreiber Torah Tours. As they delivered shiurim [lectures] and led engaging programming for children and community members, students gained insight into each community’s unique way of life, opportunities and challenges, making new friends and sharing eye-opening leadership experiences.
Torah Tours participants in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with their host.
“Torah Tours is an exceptional opportunity for our students to extend their reach of influence beyond the classroom and into the Jewish communities of North America,” said Talia Molotsky, student life coordinator on the Israel Henry Beren Campus. “Our students are giving and getting inspiration from fellow Jews in communities of all shapes and sizes.” “Being a Torah Tours Participant was something I looked forward to ever since I sent in my application to Stern College for Women and I am thankful to say that I have had the most amazing experience,” said Bella Adler. “Being guests in the warm and welcoming community of Roslyn, New York made this past Shavuot extremely meaningful. We spoke words of Torah, learned together, heard stories, and ate great food at countless community members who welcomed us into their homes. Most importantly, I am grateful for the people we met, the Torah we shared, and the relationship that will last a lifetime. Looking forward to our next visit, Roslyn!” Tyler Hod traveled with his group to Merrick, New York. “Torah Tours was an absolutely incredible experience,” he said. “It is an amazing initiative and creative way to be mechazek [strengthen the faith of] members of Klal Yisrael. Merrick was a lovely community and is led by an amazing rabbi. We had a fantastic time.” Elen Sarrah Dolgopolskaia appreciated the opportunity to share her passion for Torah with residents of Columbus, Ohio. “Columbus is a small community with big roots and enormous strength,” said Elen Sarrah Dolgopolskaia. “Getting to know the community members and bond over a love for Torah was a truly unique experience. The learning sessions were enjoyable and very fulfilling. I learned a lot from the community and really enjoyed it.” “We are so proud of the work that our students do and what they choose to spend their free time doing—volunteering, teaching, and setting an example,” said Molotsky.