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Articles in 2024 by Prof. Daniel Pollack

These articles by Prof. Daniel Pollack, along with many of his other works, can be found in the Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository (YAIR).

  1. Legal nuances of child sexual experimentation vs. groomingThe Legal Intelligencer (December, 2024)
  2. “When dealing with child abuse cases, attorneys need to know how children perceive time” New York Law Journal (December, 2024)
  3. “The narcissist's dilemma: Balancing power and inadequacy in family law”Texas Lawyer (November, 2024)
  4. “Expert testimony regarding sexual grooming” New York Law Journal (November, 2024)
  5. Court of Appeals clarifies parental statusTexas Lawyer (November, 2024)
  6. “It takes a community to curb child abuse.” New York Law Journal (November, 2024)
  7. “Does videotaping a supervised CPS visitation violate privacy rights?” Texas Lawyer (November, 2024)
  8. “The impact of drug and alcohol testing on child custody evaluations” Texas Lawyer (October, 2024)
  9. “Do Children's Attorneys Give a Child a Voice?” Texas Lawyer (October, 2024)
  10. “From Baby Boomer Lawyers to Gen Z Lawyers -- How Do We Communicate?” Texas Lawyer (October, 2024)
  11. "Stalking Is a contextual crime: Recent Fla. case tackles issue” Daily Business Review (September, 2024)
  12. “When blood is not thicker than water: Long-term foster parents may get preference for adoption” New York Law Journal (September, 2024)
  13. “Providing Autonomy and Respect: A Primer on Patient Rights” Texas Lawyer (September, 2024)
  14. “Should nonviolent offenders who earn a college degree in prison have their sentences reduced?" New Jersey Law Journal (September, 2024)
  15. “Teaming Up Attorneys and Forensic Psychologists" New Jersey Law Journal (September, 2024)
  16. “Hope And Healing: The Intersection of New York's Adult Survivors, New York City's Protection Law, and Battered Woman Syndrome" New York Law Journal (September, 2024)
  17. “Gun Ownership and Mental Illness: The Legal Connection" Texas Lawyer (September, 2024)
  18. "Winning a Custody Appeal Based on Abuse of Discretion Isn't Easy." Connecticut Law Tribune (September, 2024)
  19. Expanding collaborative law beyond family law matters: New frontiers in dispute resolutionThe Recorder  (September, 2024)
  20. Keeping Secrets: ‘Til Death Do Us Part?Texas Lawyer (September 2024)
  21. Removing a child from foster care to kinship care: Expert bonding evaluations are keyNew Jersey Law Journal (September, 2024)
  22. “Revenge Porn -- How to Protect Your Right to Privacy” New York Law Journal (August, 2024)
  23. Custody disputes and the fear of violence.”  Daily Business Review (August, 2024)
  24. Understanding parent-child contact problems in family law cases.”  The Legal Intelligencer (August, 2024)
  25. “The role of a forensic psychiatrist in committing a sexually violent predator?” Texas Lawyer (August, 2024)
  26. “Can a prosecutor's closing argument undermine a sexual grooming conviction?” Texas Lawyer (August, 2024)
  27. Is It Time for Mandatory Cameras in Family Court?”  The Legal Intelligencer (August, 2024)
  28. Calif. Schools Prohibited From Notifying Parents of Child's Gender Identity: Legal Questions RemainThe Recorder  (August, 2024)
  29. Is Drug Abuse Alone Enough to Terminate Parental Rights?”Texas Lawyer (August, 2024)
  30. "The Legal Profession Needs Some Bullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies” Texas Lawyer (July, 2024)
  31. Navigating the complexities of divorce: What family lawyers wish their clients knewTexas Lawyer (July, 2024)
  32. CPS workers are emotionally exhausted -- and it’s affecting the legal rights of childrenTexas Lawyer (July, 2024)
  33. 'Concept Creep' in Family Law: What Is It and How Should You Address It?Daily Business Review (July, 2024)
  34. Bravo! A court opinion about custody and child support that focuses on behavior, not labels” National Law Journal (June, 2024)
  35. The importance of mediation in family law casesTexas Lawyer (June, 2024)
  36. Crafting Effective Strategies for Family Law Cases: What’s Your ASK?New York Law Journal (June, 2024)
  37. Digging deeper than labels: Parental alienationThe Legal Intelligencer (May, 2024)
  38. Yes, you can make a federal case regarding alleged sexual abuse in pre-kTexas Lawyer (May, 2024)
  39. How attorneys and social workers can unite to confront human traffickingNational Law Journal (May, 2024)
  40. College, COVID and Compensation:  Who Pays for the Loss of In-Person Classes?Texas Lawyer (May, 2024)
  41. Getting a gray divorce? Consider the ADR routeDaily Business Review (May, 2024)
  42. Challenges and implications of mandated reporting to child welfare in dentistryResearchGate (May, 2024)
  43. Stepchildren as eyewitnesses of domestic abuse.Texas Lawyer (April, 2024)
  44. Kinship rule is found to be an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority Daily Business Review (April, 2024)
  45. Exploring the contours of expert testimony regarding Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome.” The Recorder (April, 2024)
  46. Publicly criticizing custody professionals: Where is the line between activism and defamation?.” Texas Lawyer (April, 2024)
  47. Reimbursement claims in divorce cases for capital contributions to business entities.” Texas Lawyer (March, 2024)
  48. Clinical Crossroads: Countertransference, Ethics, and Premature Termination” Psychoanalytic Social Work (March, 2024)
  49. Reproductive justice theory: Teaching social work ethics while being mindful of individual values” Social Work Today (March, 2024)
  50. Should courts umpire third party custody disputes?” Texas Lawyer (February, 2024)
  51. Removing a child: A painfully imperfect calculation” New York Law Journal (February, 2024)
  52. Title IX: A paradigm of legal nuance” New York Law Journal (February, 2024)
  53. Proving noneconomic damages post-'Gregory v. Chohan'” Texas Lawyer (February, 2024)
  54. Is a death sentence recommendation from a non-unanimous jury constitutional?” Texas Lawyer (January, 2024)
  55. Do attorneys really listen?” The Recorder (January, 2024)
  56. A wider range of voices is needed on domestic violence fatality review boards” New York Law Journal (January, 2024)
  57. High anxiety in custody cases? Let's talk” Daily Business Review (January, 2024)

For more articles from Professor Daniel Pollack, click here.