Jan 10, 2024 By: yunews
These articles by Prof. Daniel Pollack, along with many of his other works, can be found in the Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository (YAIR).
- “Legal nuances of child sexual experimentation vs. grooming” The Legal Intelligencer (December, 2024)
- “When dealing with child abuse cases, attorneys need to know how children perceive time” New York Law Journal (December, 2024)
- “The narcissist's dilemma: Balancing power and inadequacy in family law”Texas Lawyer (November, 2024)
- “Expert testimony regarding sexual grooming” New York Law Journal (November, 2024)
- “Court of Appeals clarifies parental status” Texas Lawyer (November, 2024)
- “It takes a community to curb child abuse.” New York Law Journal (November, 2024)
- “Does videotaping a supervised CPS visitation violate privacy rights?” Texas Lawyer (November, 2024)
- “The impact of drug and alcohol testing on child custody evaluations” Texas Lawyer (October, 2024)
- “Do Children's Attorneys Give a Child a Voice?” Texas Lawyer (October, 2024)
- “From Baby Boomer Lawyers to Gen Z Lawyers -- How Do We Communicate?” Texas Lawyer (October, 2024)
- "Stalking Is a contextual crime: Recent Fla. case tackles issue” Daily Business Review (September, 2024)
- “When blood is not thicker than water: Long-term foster parents may get preference for adoption” New York Law Journal (September, 2024)
- “Providing Autonomy and Respect: A Primer on Patient Rights” Texas Lawyer (September, 2024)
- “Should nonviolent offenders who earn a college degree in prison have their sentences reduced?" New Jersey Law Journal (September, 2024)
- “Teaming Up Attorneys and Forensic Psychologists" New Jersey Law Journal (September, 2024)
- “Hope And Healing: The Intersection of New York's Adult Survivors, New York City's Protection Law, and Battered Woman Syndrome" New York Law Journal (September, 2024)
- “Gun Ownership and Mental Illness: The Legal Connection" Texas Lawyer (September, 2024)
- "Winning a Custody Appeal Based on Abuse of Discretion Isn't Easy." Connecticut Law Tribune (September, 2024)
- “Expanding collaborative law beyond family law matters: New frontiers in dispute resolution” The Recorder (September, 2024)
- “Keeping Secrets: ‘Til Death Do Us Part? ”Texas Lawyer (September 2024)
- “Removing a child from foster care to kinship care: Expert bonding evaluations are key” New Jersey Law Journal (September, 2024)
- “Revenge Porn -- How to Protect Your Right to Privacy” New York Law Journal (August, 2024)
- “Custody disputes and the fear of violence.” Daily Business Review (August, 2024)
- “Understanding parent-child contact problems in family law cases.” The Legal Intelligencer (August, 2024)
- “The role of a forensic psychiatrist in committing a sexually violent predator?” Texas Lawyer (August, 2024)
- “Can a prosecutor's closing argument undermine a sexual grooming conviction?” Texas Lawyer (August, 2024)
- “Is It Time for Mandatory Cameras in Family Court?” The Legal Intelligencer (August, 2024)
- “Calif. Schools Prohibited From Notifying Parents of Child's Gender Identity: Legal Questions Remain” The Recorder (August, 2024)
- “Is Drug Abuse Alone Enough to Terminate Parental Rights?”Texas Lawyer (August, 2024)
- "The Legal Profession Needs Some Bullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies” Texas Lawyer (July, 2024)
- “Navigating the complexities of divorce: What family lawyers wish their clients knew”Texas Lawyer (July, 2024)
- “CPS workers are emotionally exhausted -- and it’s affecting the legal rights of children” Texas Lawyer (July, 2024)
- “'Concept Creep' in Family Law: What Is It and How Should You Address It?” Daily Business Review (July, 2024)
- “Bravo! A court opinion about custody and child support that focuses on behavior, not labels” National Law Journal (June, 2024)
- “The importance of mediation in family law cases” Texas Lawyer (June, 2024)
- “Crafting Effective Strategies for Family Law Cases: What’s Your ASK?” New York Law Journal (June, 2024)
- “Digging deeper than labels: Parental alienation” The Legal Intelligencer (May, 2024)
- “Yes, you can make a federal case regarding alleged sexual abuse in pre-k” Texas Lawyer (May, 2024)
- “How attorneys and social workers can unite to confront human trafficking” National Law Journal (May, 2024)
- “College, COVID and Compensation: Who Pays for the Loss of In-Person Classes?” Texas Lawyer (May, 2024)
- “Getting a gray divorce? Consider the ADR route” Daily Business Review (May, 2024)
- “Challenges and implications of mandated reporting to child welfare in dentistry” ResearchGate (May, 2024)
- “Stepchildren as eyewitnesses of domestic abuse.” Texas Lawyer (April, 2024)
- “Kinship rule is found to be an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority” Daily Business Review (April, 2024)
- “Exploring the contours of expert testimony regarding Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome.” The Recorder (April, 2024)
- “Publicly criticizing custody professionals: Where is the line between activism and defamation?.” Texas Lawyer (April, 2024)
- “Reimbursement claims in divorce cases for capital contributions to business entities.” Texas Lawyer (March, 2024)
- “Clinical Crossroads: Countertransference, Ethics, and Premature Termination” Psychoanalytic Social Work (March, 2024)
- “Reproductive justice theory: Teaching social work ethics while being mindful of individual values” Social Work Today (March, 2024)
- “Should courts umpire third party custody disputes?” Texas Lawyer (February, 2024)
- “Removing a child: A painfully imperfect calculation” New York Law Journal (February, 2024)
- “Title IX: A paradigm of legal nuance” New York Law Journal (February, 2024)
- “Proving noneconomic damages post-'Gregory v. Chohan'” Texas Lawyer (February, 2024)
- “Is a death sentence recommendation from a non-unanimous jury constitutional?” Texas Lawyer (January, 2024)
- “Do attorneys really listen?” The Recorder (January, 2024)
- “A wider range of voices is needed on domestic violence fatality review boards” New York Law Journal (January, 2024)
- “High anxiety in custody cases? Let's talk” Daily Business Review (January, 2024)
For more articles from Professor Daniel Pollack, click here.