Apr 12, 2016 By: admin
Students Show Support During Israel Week on Campus
Yeshiva University students are banding together to show their support for Israel as they celebrate Israel Week at YU, which began on Sunday and will continue with daily events and programming through Shabbat.
Highlights include the Israeli Shuk, sponsored by Nefesh B'Nefesh and the Office of Student Life, which recreated the atmosphere of shopping in an Israeli marketplace and featured unique Israeli foods, and a moving kumzitz with Yeshiva College student Aryeh Tiefenbrunn. Students are also able to show their solidarity with Israel by writing letters to soldiers in the Israel Defense Force and victims of terror. Throughout the week, shiurim will explore different aspects of Israel’s connection to Judaism, culminating in an Israel-themed shabbaton with faculty speakers.
“A big part of our mission is to connect everyone so we’re united in supporting Israel in tough times and good times,” said Shlomo Anapolle. “Israel week is a time for students to show their pride and embrace all sides of Israel,” added Tamar Golubtchik. The two are co-presidents of the Israel Club.
Israel Week is sponsored by the Zionist Organization of America, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), Nefesh B'Nefesh and the Office of Student Life, as well as a host of student clubs on campus.