Nov 8, 2018 By: mta
On Wednesday, November 7th, MTA Seniors visited the Museum of Jewish Heritage, where they learned about the vibrant Jewish communities that thrived in pre-WWII Europe. This experiential learning opportunity highlighted the strength, vitality, and dedication to Torah and mitzvos that were prevalent in many cities throughout Europe and simultaneously demonstrated the vulnerability of the Jewish community. For Seniors participating in the Names, Not Numbers elective course where they will create their own Holocaust documentary, the trip was a necessary introduction to appreciating the devastation that was experienced during the Holocaust. Talmidim also participated in a workshop on Ethical Wills, where they studied several Ethical Wills that were written to the children and grandchildren of those who perished at the hands of the Nazis. These Ethical Wills, designed to pass ethical values from one generation to the next, discussed ethics, morality, and what it means to be part of Klal Yisrael. They inspired talmidim to reflect on their core values and begin to plan how they can make their own unique contributions to the Jewish community.