MTA Helps Communities Start Thanksgiving Off with Torah
Nov 26, 2016 By: mta
Rabbi Jon Kessel presenting to a packed house at Congregation Beth Abraham in Bergenfield. We were honored by the presence of the shul's mora d'asra and RIETS Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger, as well as Yeshivat Noam's Head of School Rabbi Chaim Hagler.
On Thursday morning, MTA hosted community wide Thanksgiving Learning in six communities - Brooklyn, Highland Park/Edison, Monsey, Passaic, Queens, and Teaneck - providing shiurim to about 150 participants! The learning - sponsored by the Quint and Lipman families in memory of Esther bas Issur Tzvi - was an incredible way to start off the Thanksgiving holiday. Special thanks to Rabbi Schenker for coordinating, to all the rebbeim who present shuirim, to the Landa family for sponsoring the Teaneck breakfast and, of course, to the Quint and Lipman families for their constant support.