Apr 22, 2016 By: mta
by Raziel Siegman ('17)
On Monday morning, the whole school gathered in Lamport Auditorium for a D'var Torah about Pesach from Rabbi Taubes and a farewell address from Mr. Dobrick, who will be parting from MTA at the end of this school year. Mr. Dobrick announced that before he leaves, MTA must have a Color War, upon which the Student Council members announced MTA's first ever Color War. The four teams - Givati, purple; Tzanchanim, red; Nachal, green; Golani, yellow -represent various divisions of Tzahal (Israeli Defense Force) Throughout the day, there was a variety of different activities, beginning with a four-way dodgeball tournament in The MAX. This was followed by other sports, chess, ping pong, a quiz bowl, a Torah bowl, a nerf war, an Instagram War, and more. The last athletic competition was the apache relay race, where participants made their way around the Yeshiva University Campus while performing difficult tasks, such as running up 12 floors of Belfer Hall, and eating two lafadogs in the Golan Heights restaurant, and also learning Mishnayos with a Rebbe.
In culmination of the day's activities, the final closing ceremonies were held in The MAX. Each team had the opportunity to give a D'var Torah and present a banner that had been painted during the day. Lastly, before the winner was announced, every team performed a "stomp," consisting of a beat that had been developed by the team members. After all was said and done, the red team, Tzanchanim, came away with the victory. All participants had a wonderful time taking a day to relax from their school work, and showing their Achdut and teamwork. We would like to thank Rabbi Green, Elie Hirt, the Student Council, and the color war generals and captains for their hard work and effort in planning a Color War to be remembered. Congratulations to the Tzanchanim! We cannot wait for next year's Color War!