New Head of School Rabbi Josh Kahn Spends Time at MTA
Mar 19, 2016 By: mta
Last Thursday, hours before Rabbi Josh Kahn was officially announced to the broader public as the next Head of School at our illustrious yeshiva, Rabbi Kahn was formally introduced to the YUHSB faculty. Senior Vice President of Yeshiva University Rabbi Josh Joseph described the search process and how excited the committee and Board of Trustees were to welcome Rabbi Kahn. RIETS Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger, who is close with Rabbi Kahn from the Bergenfield community, then introduced Rabbi Kahn by describing his explemerary middos, warm personality, and leadership skills as a ben-Torah. Finally, Rabbi Kahn shared his vision and passion, after which Rabbi Taubes shared his own excitement of the hire, having had the opportunity to spend much time with Rabbi Kahn over the past couple of weeks. Mrs. Miriam Goldberg, Chair of the YUHS Board of Trustees, concluded by thanking the faculty for their continued support and patience throughout the search process.
On Monday, Rabbi Kahn made his first official visit! At Shacharis, Rabbi Kahn received the kibbud of an aliyah, and he then spent the day meeting with faculty, school leaders, and students. He spent the time getting to know them and hearing their thoughts and interests, and gathered information as to what people loved in MTA and what areas they thought could be improved. We're looking forward to many more of Rabbi Kahn's visits of the following months, until his official start date of July 1st.
A special Meet & Greet with Rabbi Kahn for Current and Incoming Parents is scheduled for this coming Sunday, March 20th at 9:30 AM. Parking has been arranged in University Lot E; please rsvp at