Nov 20, 2015 By: mta
by: Shimmy Mandelbaum ('16)
For more pictures from the Shabbaton, visit our Flickr.
This past weekend, nearly the entire student and faculty body joined together for what turned out to be a thrilling experience for all. The 4th annual MTA Yeshiva-wide Shabbaton - sponsored by the Class of 2006 in memory of David Rottenstreich ('06; Dovid Chaim ben Tzvi Akiva, a'h) - started with separate programs for the lower and upper classmen, with the lower classmen jumping over to Bounce for hours of fun and the upper classmen having the opportunity to attend the Jets-Bills game on Thursday night at Met Life Stadium. Following these events, both groups arrived at the Raleigh Hotel in upstate New York for a barbeque dinner that lasted late into the night. After a good night's sleep(?), Rosh Chodesh davening, and breakfast, the students were at it again - partaking in various activities including football, hiking, bowling, and mini-hockey at or near the hotel. By the time the sun had set, everyone from 9th grade to 12th had thoroghly enjoyed themselves, but the real fun had not yet even begun.
Upon the arrival of Shabbos, and the "official" start of the Shabbaton, the entire yeshiva was addressed by Rabbi Taubes who discussed what it meant to join together in unison with one's yeshiva, and Rabbi Tanchum Cohen, who gave a d'var Torah which further complemented the point. Throughout Shabbos, students, teachers, and Rebbeim had the opportunity to bond over matters both spiritual and recreational. Events such as the divrei Torah and Zemiros at the Shabbos meals led by Rabbi Soniker and MTA Seniors, the hilarious MTA Newlywed game on Friday night, the Oneg Shabbos with Rabbi Mendelson's presentation, the late night "Ask the Rabbis" session with Rabbis Schiller and Taubes, the various informal sessions and Shiurim with Rebbeim and Grade Deans, the annual game of "Assassin," and the inspiring Shalosh Seudos stories told by Rabbi Schenker, all contributed to the outstanding bonding experience. For the entire Shabbos, the Raleigh Hotel was filled with a sense of Ruach emanating from the MTA crowd as a whole, and the event culminated with Havdallah, the humorous Senior video, and spirited dancing. All in all, the Shabbaton was a huge success, and everyone can't wait for what the school has in store for us next!
Heartfelt thanks are due to all who helped put this terrific weekend together, especially Rabbi Green and Elie Hirt of our Student Activities office for all of their hard work.