Oct 30, 2015 By: mta
On Monday, October 26th, Dean Michael Strauss of Yeshiva University's Sy Syms School of Business came by MTA to kick off the MTA LEAD program. In addition to his role at YU, Dean Strauss, a former senior executive at American Express, also serves as CEO of BSafe Electrix. The MTA library filled up as he explained the details of the program and the nature of entrepreneurship.
MTA LEAD, now in it's 4th year, is an incredible partnership between MTA and SSSB in which high school students are able to work together to develop business ideas, are provided with workshops and lectures from SSSB professors and other business leaders, receive personal mentoring from SSSB students, and ultimately are able to pitch their business idea to a panel composed of respected business leaders. Additionally, high school students are invited to participate in the Kukin Lecture Series where they have the opportunity to hear from a variety of leaders in industry; just last year, students heard from Madison Square Garden EVP and General Counsel Lawrence Burian, amongst others.
In a new twist this year, a special networking lunch is planned shortly to allow business inclined students the opportunity to partner with other like-minded students and share their ideas and skills to help with product development.
Many thanks to Dean Strauss and the Syms school for the continuous support!