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MTA Alumni Reunite In Eretz Yisrael

alumni On Motzaei Shabbos, January 17th, MTA held its annual reunion for alumni studying in Eretz Yisrael, at the OU Center in Yerushalayim. Graduates from the past couple of years enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect over pizza, cake, and soda, and were joined by both Rabbi Taubes and Rabbi Shulman who were in for the week, visiting the various yeshivos where MTA boys are now learning. Binyomin Shtaynberger ('14), currently studying in Yeshivat HaKotel, delivered a beautiful dvar Torah connecting the week's parsha with a message about the year in Israel. Meaningful speeches were also given by the two past class presidents, Eli Weinstein ('13), presently studying at Yeshivat Sha'alvim, and Joey Goffstein, now studying at the Aish HaTorah Gesher program. Joey spoke about the importance and value of carrying on the "Lions pride;" he mentioned a humorous story in which he was on a tiyul in Israel wearing an MTA sweatshirt and was stopped by a fellow alum from many years earlier and they were able to share their experiences. Ari Wallach, a graduate of P'Tach at MTA who is now a student at Darkaynu in Gush Etzion, also shared a few words, as did both Rabbi Shulman and Rabbi Taubes. Everyone in attendance truly enjoyed the chance to get together in such a realxed and pleasant atmosphere.