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Yeshiva Fellowship Participants Learn with Rav Twersky

by Noam Josse ('18)   This past week, the Yeshiva Fellowship had the specialzechus of having the first of our monthly meetings with Rav Mayer Twersky, one of the prominent Roshei Yeshiva at YU.  Rabbi Twersky discussed a Midrash on Parashas Nitzavim, which relates that there was once a man who found himself in a shul, waiting for davening.  As he looked around, he was astounded by the vast number of different Seforim in theshul.  The man was bewildered and overwhelmed by the tremendous amount of knowledge and material there was to master.  In fact, he was so overwhelmed that he resigned himself to the fact that he would never finish going through so much material, and he therefore never even started. However, the Midrash explains that in truth, one can start with something small and if one begins to learn a little each day, he could eventually become a true talmid chacham. The message of this Midrash and Rabbi Twersky's words were that we should not be overwhelmed by the amount of Torah there is to acquire.  Rather, if we start early and commit to learning each day we will eventually succeed in becoming learned bnai Torah.  All of us left the special meeting and returned to our daily schedule energized and inspired to work towards achieving our lifelong pursuit of greatness in Torah.