Jun 9, 2013 By: mta
On Thursday evening, parents, families, friends, faculty, and the YU administration gathered for the 93rd annual Commencement Exercises of Yeshiva University High School for Boys. With Rabbi Taubes presiding, the graduates transformed from students to alumni.Remarks were also given by YU President Richard Joel, who congratulated the students and their families, charged them with making a difference in the world, and noted that this graduation marked the 45th anniversary of his own graduation from MTA. The singing of the Star Spangled Banner and Hatikva were led by the YUHSB Choir, who performed again later in the program; the YUHSB band performed during the musical interlude as well. The The Invocation was presented by Akiva Schiff, Benediction by Yoni Schwartz, and Siyum by Dovid Schwartz. Congratulations to Salutatorian Dani Kurtz and to Valedictorian Yisrael Snow, as well as to all the graduates of the Class of 2013!
In addition to the many awards given, two new awards were presented this year. Dr. Harold Fluss presented the Hersh and Fannie Fluss Memorial Award for Excellence in Nach to Jesse Tawil and the the Hersh and Fannie Fluss Memorial Award for Excellence in Hebrew Literature to Sammy Raskas.
An astounding 18 graduates will be attending Yeshiva University's Honors Program, once again the largest, by far, of any yeshiva high school. Over 90% will be spending next year studying in Israel.
Following the Commencement program, a special reception was held in Weissberg Commons. Special thanks to Mrs. Rachel Ciment and the YU Office of Student Life for providing the Class of 2013 sunglasses that were presented to graduates.
We look forward to hearing about and sharing in many great accomplishments from the graduates... as we know, Lions4Life!