Aug 24, 2010 By: libraryblog
Did you ever wonder what it was like at YU for your parents or grandparents? Now you can get a glimpse through their yearbooks. The Library is working to make the yearbooks available online on our page at
This ongoing project, partially supported by a grant through the LYRASIS library consortium, will eventually include yearbooks, through 1988, from Yeshiva College (Masmid), Stern College for Women (Kochaviah), Cardozo School of Law (Cardozo School of Law Yearbook), Teachers Institute for Men (Nir), and from the YU boys and girls high schools (Elchanite and Elchanette/Elchanet). Most of the volumes will be available, though there will be some gaps for volumes not yet located. The YU Alumni Office was helpful in providing items lacking in the Library’s collections.
The project will proceed over the next few months, so check here often to see what’s new!!
Posted by Deena Schwimmer, Archivist.