Ravid Co-Organizes Conference on Economics of Movie Industry, Sponsored by Sy Syms
Nov 9, 2012 By: wpadmin
Dr. S. Abraham (Avri) Ravid, Sy Syms Professor of Finance at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business, was a co-organizer of the 14th Annual Business and Economics Scholars Workshop in Motion Picture Industry Studies, which took place on November 1 in Los Angeles and was also sponsored by Sy Syms.
Founded 15 years ago by Dr. Bruce Mallen, professor of economics, finance, real estate and marketing at Florida Atlantic University, the conference had been sponsored over the years by FAU and by the University of California-Los Angeles. This year's conference, co-organized by Mallen and Ravid, brought together scholars from various subject areas including finance, economics, management, marketing and law and from universities across the United States, including Yale University, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Southern California, the University of Arizona, UCLA and the University of Kansas, as well as scholars from Australia, Germany and Canada, who presented various papers related to the economics of the movie industry. Topics included the impact of file sharing on movie revenues, the economics of 3D movies, the effect of movie piracy on box office revenues, and vertical integration in the movie business.
Ravid presented a joint paper with Dr. Suman Basuroy, the Ruby K. Powell Professor and Associate Professor, Division of Marketing and Supply Chain Management at the University of Oklahoma’s Price College of Business, on the differential impact of internet reviews and professional critical reviews on movie revenues.
Part of the conference included meeting with industry professionals, including an entertainment lawyer, a veteran producer and chief of digital technology at Sony Pictures. On November 2, conference participants visited the Film Finance Conference at the American Film Market, the largest independent film market place in the world.