The Chinuch Incubator at Yeshiva University
Nurturing the Growth of Jewish Educators & Addressing the Critical Need for Jewish Educators
A project of Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration
Become a Jewish Educator
Jewish educators are an essential resource for the Jewish community and Jewish future, and thanks to increased student enrollment, our community has a significant need for inspired and inspiring Jewish educators.
The Chinuch Incubator is designed to meet that need. Offering young people from high school through college an array of impactful experiences and exposure to passionate and talented mentors, the program hopes to inspire men and women to pursue careers in Jewish education.
With access to YU’s schools, programs, professionals and network of partner schools and alumni, the Chinuch Incubator looks to identify and guide potential Jewish educators, encouraging their growth and developing a cadre of committed and talented educators to shape the Jewish future.

MafTEACH School Community Fellowship
- Fellows complete immersive residencies in communities in North America for extended weekends
- Fellows learn and benefit from interactions with students, teachers, school and community leaders, as well as from mentorships that will inspire them
GPATS Friday Fellowship
- Weekly school based fellowship program for students of the Graduate Program for Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS), this year at Maayanot High School
- Fellows lead small group learning with students, observe veteran teacher classes and meet with teachers and school leaders to learn about the field
Taste of Chinuch Events and Shabbatonim
- Includes men’s and women’s' programming and regularly scheduled events for those interested in chinuch
- Provides opportunities to learn from and build relationships with top educators and school leaders
- Features shabbat programs in communities partnering students and educators for inspiring learning and mentoring opportunities
High School Torah Leadership Internship
- High school seniors are nominated by their school to participate in internships at Jewish day schools, while mentored by skilled educators
MTA Learn and Lunch Fellowship
- Monthly classroom observations and lunch debriefs with MTA faculty
- Students rotate between faculty learning from different styles and personalities
Guidance and Mentorship
- Offers ongoing mentorship for participants and alumni of all Chinuch Incubator programs and others considering careers in Jewish education
- Offers outreach to potential partners in informal Jewish education, Israel gap-year programs and college campuses
Rabbi Yehuda Chanales, Chinuch Incubator Coordinator Rabbi Chanales is a member of the Judaic faculty at Maayanot and the founding director of Lifnai V’lifnim educator programs in North America. Previously, he served as a school leader and Judaic faculty member at the Fuchs Mizrachi School. Rabbi Chanales is a proud graduate of MTA, YC, Azrieli and Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He is the recipient of a Wexner Field Fellowship and has helped develop a number of field-wide initiatives in Jewish education.
Rabbi Chanales’ efforts will be supported by:
Dr. Rona Novick
Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration
Rabbi Menachem Penner
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
The Chinuch Incubator will benefit from a collaboration with many faculty, affiliates, and Jewish educational professionals in the YU community.
The Chinuch Incubator wants to hear from you. To learn more or share ideas, email Rabbi Chanales at yehuda.chanales@yu.edu
For information on how you can support the Chinuch Incubator, contact us at chinuch@yu.edu